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“Though you should probably consider taking the love potions off your shelves.” Chase adds.

“Chase!” Madison scolds punching him in the arm.

“He’s right Madison and don’t worry they are already off the shelves and destroyed.”

She breathes out a sigh of relief and flashes an apologetic smile my way, “Probably for the best. Still, I don’t want you to beat yourself up. You’ve learned through this experience and now you are doing the right thing. It’s all we can hope for, really. No one is perfect, and those who pretend they are, tend to be the most messed up of us all.”

“The ‘my shit doesn’t stink’ type?” Chase says loading the milk crate into the trunk. “You can bet 10 out of 10 times they’ve blown up the bathroom in a way that’ll make your eyes water.”

“Ew!” Madison says plugging her nose dramatically.

A much-needed bout of laughter escapes from my frayed nerves and I damn near collapse on the gravel of the back lot with tears streaming down my face.

“Let’s go, the Grey Pack should get these as soon as possible,” Chase urges after a minute.

Hopping into the back seat I buckle up, as we drive off an eerie silence falls over us. Are they going to tell me what they found out about Isaiah? Or am I going to have to ask them?

After a minute Madison clears her throat nervously, “Lorelei... I don’t know how to tell you this, so I am just going to have to rip off the band aid. Dustin, Ash, and Drew were able to track down Isaiah... He’s been holding up in some ritzy cabin a couple of hours north of here with her who shall not be named. They...” Her voice trails off.

“Madison, what is it?”

“They got married. Isaiah is married.”

My heart sinks, “Oh,” is all I manage to get out before my throat closes up. Every limb goes heavy as though weights have been tied to them.I should have seen that coming.

“It’s the love potion. Still, I know it’s not easy to hear.” Madison offers softly.

“Is he still up there?” I ask flatly, my voice sounds a thousand miles away.

“He is, but the pack is planning a rescue mission.” Madison tells me, looking at me to see my reaction.

“We are going to have to kidnap him and lock him up until we can sort this out. Dustin is on watch duty; Isaiah hasn’t taken your genius ‘Hide Me’ potion yet, so he’s still detectable. DHS could find him at any moment.” Chase chimes in and Madison looks at him with daggers in her eyes.

“That’s right,” I whisper, hardly audible. “Wait! What are we doing going to the Grey Pack? We need to get Isaiah right away!” I yell out louder than intended, “We can’t let DHS get their hands on him!”

“We won’t but we do need to make sure that the area is secure. We know DHS is crawling all over town, we have no reason to believe they are on Isaiah’s tail at the moment. Dustin, Drew, Samuel, and Annie are coming up with a plan as we speak. We are going to bring him home, Lorelei, I promise. He’s one of my best friends. I can’t, I won’t, let anything happen to him.” Chase assures me.

I nod, too numb to do anything else.He’s married, going to be roughly rescued, probably, and vulnerable toDHS detection. I can barely wrap my brain around it all.

After passing out the ‘miracle potion’to the Grey Pack, Madison insisted I come back home with them. I don’t have much fight left in me. Not now, so I agree.Maybe that makes me weak, but I never claimed that I was strong.

Pinehaven Pack headquarters feels emptier without Isaiah here. It feels a lot less like home. Everyone buzzes about, preparing for their big rescue mission. The plan is to tranquilize Jessie and Isaiah in the middle of the night, using a dart gun, while they are sleeping.

Isaiah will be taken from the cabin and brought back to a secure, newly built, dungeon in the basement of the pack house. It’s triple-reinforced and built especially to contain shifters. There will be no busting out of there, I’ve been reassured, but they will keep him sedated and chained, just in case.

“Alright ladies, we are heading out. The next time you see us, Isaiah will be with us, that’s a promise.” Chase announces.

“Good luck love, bring our man home.” Madison kisses Chase goodbye. I look away, not intending to look as dramatically awkward as I did.Get it together Lorelei,I coach myself, you’re goingto get Isaiah back.

“Sorry,” Madison says after Chase leaves the room.

“It’s fine, I am glad you two are happy, it’s just my heart is a little tender these days.”

“Of course,” Madison nods a knowing look in her eyes.

“What if Isaiah wants to stay married to this girl? What if the magic leaves some sort of permanent fingerprint?” I ask forlornly.

“That won’t happen,” Madison says grabbing a bottle of wine from the kitchen and two wine glasses. “I’ve seen the way Isaiah is around you Lorelei, he’s crazy about you. I’ve heard him talk about you for hours at a time for God’s sake. The man is so in love with you.”
