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Still, the feeling that I am missing something itches at the back of my mind. A rather obnoxious distraction from the importance of this moment, of every moment I spend with Jessie. I am intoxicated by her. Her laugh, her voice, the freckles on her cheeks... I hope this feeling never ends.

“Do you think I am better than your ex?” she asks and my hands tighten on the steering wheel though I don’t understand why.

“You are better than everyone. I can’t believe I am lucky enough to be with you. There’s no better feeling in the world.” I say feeling pure pleasure.

“Good,” she smirks, “That’s good.” Then she cranks up the radio and blasts a radio country song singing along at the top of her lungs. Her voice is the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard.

When we arrive at the cabin, the driveway feels like it’s a mile long. The trees are dense until we reach a clearing. And there stands a giant glass box with thick cherry wood framing on the edge of a cliff. My jaw drops, “This is your cabin? It looks like something out of a movie. I can’t help but feel like I’m dreaming.”

She pinches me hard and I wince, “Do you still think you’re dreaming?”

A roaring laugh escapes my lips, a bubbling relief that overflows out of my throat, “No I suppose I don’t.”

“This weekend is going to be magical,” she says sliding a hand onto my thigh.

“I don’t ever want to leave this place.” I say dreamily.

“If that’s how you feel we won’t ever have to,” she leans over and kisses my cheek, “My parents only keep this cabin around because I love it. It’s all ours as long as you want it.”

A sort of soft smile fills my face, “I’d love to spend forever with you.”

“Do you want to marry me?” The words leave my mouth and the car fills with happy girlish squeals, my heart flutters.

“I do! I do! I do!” She shrieks delightedly.

Chapter 12


“They are everywhere,” Madison whispers through the receiver of the phone. “So far no one has been caught.”

“That’s a good sign. I’ve got plenty more potion, and more brewing too. This could be a game-changer for the supernatural community. I was thinking, we should offer some to the Grey Pack as well?” I suggest.

“Chase is nodding his head vigorously, do you feel up for a field trip later? There’s a place where the Grey Pack hangs out. The sooner we get the potion to them the better.”

“I’ve already closed the shop early today. I’m working on the antidote for the love potion,” a lump form in my throat, “It’s not something that can be rushed. The potion takes a full week to brew and then a full week of bathing in the sun and moonlight before it’s ready.”

“We can be there in 20 minutes, and hon,” Madison’s voice lowers, “we’ve finally got a line on Isaiah... it’s not good news. I’ll tell you when we pick you up.”

It’s been days since Isaiah ran off under the influence of the love potion. With every minute that passes, it’s harder and harder to breathe. He skipped town and covered his tracks well,but it sounds like the pack was finally able to locate him. Not that they’ll be able to convince him of anything while he’s under that woman’s spell. The spell I facilitated.

“SO FUCKING STUPID!” I scream at myself in the mirror.I can’t believe I let this happen.

I haven’t been able to eat for days, I can hardly choke down protein shakes to keep myself from passing out. I’ve lost five pounds already and the circles under my eyes grow darker by the day.

To keep myself busy until Madison and Chase arrive, I scoop the ‘Hide Me’ potion into individual vials. The least I can do is do some good with my magic. Especially after I failed my boyfriend so badly.

The kicker is, that Isaiah was always against me selling love potions, did I listen to him? Nope! I didn’t want to hear it, not even for a minute, and that’s come back to bite me in the ass in a major way.

The grassy scent of the horsetail in the ‘Hide Me’ potion overwhelms my senses momentarily as I cork the final vial. I drank one myself just to be safe. If they are experimenting on shifters, it is not a far-fetched notion that they are experimenting on witches, too.

My nose twitches and a second later my doorbell rings, grabbing the milk crate filled with vials I rush down the stairs eager to not be alone for another second. Eager to find out what’s happened to Isaiah.

“Hey,” Madison says opening her arms for a hug as Chase takes the crate out of my hands, “How are you holding up?

“The best I can,” my voice cracks and tears fall down my cheeks, a betrayal of my sanity. “You know considering I facilitated this whole mess in the first place.”

“Don’t beat yourself up,” Madison says giving me an extra squeeze.
