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Glancing over my shoulder my heart sinks, the same expanding endless pathway is behind me as well. Desperation fuels my every step, but the path seems to elongate with each stride, defying any escape attempt.

“Isaiah,” a whisper of my name once again fills my ears, the sound a chilling reminder of the torment that awaits. The mystery man’s disembodied voice haunts me.

My heart pounds in my chest as I push my tired limbs to their limits, but the pursuit is relentless. The never-ending pathway exhausts me as the dark figure’s voice taunts me, and I am powerless.

I wake up startled by the sound of my pathetic whimpering. The dark room I’m in is damp all around me. Ice grips my heart as though the fist of the Grim Reaper has a hold on it.

Hesitant footsteps come downthe basement steps, these are much lighter than any of the pack members’ footsteps would be, except, “Madison?” I call out my voice raw.

“Sorry, no,” a raspy sensuous voice floods my ears. A momentary pang of deep longing stirs in my gut, “It’s Lorelei.”


I lift my head the best I can, straining against the limitations of the shackles around my wrists and ankles that keep me pinned to the floor. Lorelei comes up to the bars, massive fiery curls explode around a delicate face with full lips and blue eyes that shine brightly even in the dim sliver of moonlight.

“They’ve got you chained up down here,” she says sadness brimming in her eyes. “That looks uncomfortable.”

“Chained up and drugged up,” I say with a bitter chuckle. “It’s not Four Seasons, but it’ll do, until I can get my strengthback and break out of here. What are you doing down here? Come to look at the zoo animal?”

“Can’t sleep,” she says with a sigh, a tear spilling down her cheek onto the floor with a splat.

“Me either.” I admit feeling at ease by this woman’s presence. My soul knows her somehow.

“I don’t blame you for that,” she chuckles darkly, “I don’t think many people would be able to sleep well if they were in your position.”

“No kidding, if I wasn’t so drugged up, I’d probably be causing much more of a stink.”

She laughs like bells ringing in the gentle breeze on a sweet-smelling summer’s day. My stomach clenches.This is all wrong.Not her.

“I am so sorry Isaiah,” she says her voice breaking and she wipes her cheek with the back of her hand. I long to reach out to her, to wrap her up in my arms.

“I want to be your one and only, forever.” Jessie’s voice echoes through my head.

My veins freeze over with ice, and I close my eyes, repulsed by myself, repulsed by the way this Lorelei is making me feel.

“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I am going to fix it. I promise.” The still-growing desire I have to hold her and make everything better for her sickens me.

“Get out,” I growl.

“Wh-what?” she stammers.


The sound of rushing footsteps fills the room, and in a flash, a deflated Lorelei is being shuffled off by Dustin. Ash kicks the bars to my cage, “Shut up you idiot before you say something you can’t take back later. Some things can’t be undone.” His eyes are filled with a venomous warning.

“Yeah, whatever, just keep her away from me.”

“I think you’re doing a mighty fine job keeping her away from you all on your own,” He turns to leave and then glances over his shoulder at me once more, “I am not going to let you live this one down.”

“Whatever.” Even through my rage, the sense that I am being juvenile haunts me, but I cannot stop myself.Lorelei.

With that red hair, those eyes, and that gorgeous statuesque figure of hers my heart rate quickens as a battle rages within me. Jessie, my sunshine, my wife, the one who wants me all to herself. Lorelei, just looking at her made me feel the most alive I’ve felt in days, perhaps the most alive I’ve ever felt in my life.

What right does she have coming here and ruining everything? My teeth grind incessantly.A sick sort of self-flagellation haunts me for the remainder of the night. Lorelei, the forbidden fruit.

Slowly the darkness of the night sky gives way to the early morning light as the first rays of sunlight filter through the small basement window. My eyes are stuck open, dried, and agitated.I’ve got to get the hell out of here one way or another.

“If he doesn’t drink this potion, Jessie might get killed. But how can we break that news to him when he’s in such an agitated state? I don’t think he’ll trust us enough to take the potion even if it is for his wife’s safety.”
