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Chase’s voice carries quietly down the stars snapping my hazy thoughts back to focus.Protect Jessie at all costs, but what potion is he talking about?

“I know,” Ash chimes in, “but the thing is if he doesn’t take the first potion now, he can’t take the second potion in a few days. I wish it was just one but that’s not the way it works. Even if he fights us, we can’t allow an innocent person to be harmed because of his stubbornness.”

“We all had to do it. Hopefully, Isaiah cares enough about his wife to swallow his pride.” Chase sounds dejected.

They head down the stairs, their footsteps moving in unison. I lay back closing my eyes and deliberately taking long slow breaths, pretending to be asleep.

“Wake up sleeping beauty,” Chase calls, banging on the bars. A metallic tap, tap, tap, sounds and I lift my head feigning grogginess.

“What do you want now?” I growl.

“Isaiah,” Chase’s voice breaks the silence, his eyes reflecting a sincere concern, “I know you’re upset and I’m sorry we didn’t handle this the best. Since you left the pack, we’ve found out that DHS is back in town with quite a few hunters and lab coats, in disguise.”

He pauses pushing his hair back on his forehead, “I hope you can understand. We had to take you away to keep Jessie safe. DHS is closing in on us, and we can’t afford to risk her getting caught up because you’re a shifter. They’ll be after you specifically, wanting blood for the fallen brother you killed.”

An eye for an eye.Slowly I nod my head in agreement, “Why the theatrics?” I ask.

“You didn’t want to be found. That was clear. But we didn’t want to risk Jessie’s safety any longer,” Chase’s tone is matter of fact and his words come easily without hesitation.

“Luckily, you won’t have to stay away from her for long. A potion has been developed, one that will allow you to get back to her, but you’ll have to wait a week between vials. The potion requires two doses, a week apart and once that’s done you’ll be able to fly under the DHS radar registering as human.”

“Are you willing to take the potion?” Ash asks holding out a small vial emitting an earth scent although it shimmers like a thousand stars.

Doubt claws at the edges of my mind, and uncertainty intertwines with a sense of urgency and my instinctual drive to protect Jessie.

Ash steps forward, his eyes locking onto mine. “This is for Jessie, Isaiah. We can’t let them harm her. Drink the potion, and we stand a chance of keeping her out of harm’s way.”

My fingers tighten around the vial as I raise it to my lips. The liquid is cool, a subtle magic dancing on my tongue as it slips down my throat. Chase and Ash watch intently, their eyes searching mine for a sign of the potion’s success.

A strange sensation washes over me, like a protective shroud settling around my senses. Chase and Ash exchange a look of reassurance.

“We’re in this together, Isaiah,” Chase says, filled with determination. “For Jessie, for the pack. We’ll face whatever comes our way.”

Chapter 14


As I drive up to the Pinehaven Pack headquarters once again with Madison behind the wheel of Isaiah’s, now baby blue, truck, I can scarcely breathe. Today is the day we find out if the antidote I developed to the love potion works. I’ve been avoiding Isaiah like the plague since he screamed at me and called me a Harlot.

“Are you sure he’s going to take this?” I ask clutching the vial tightly in my fist.

“Ash and Chase convinced him that the potion to hide us from DHS was a two-parter and he needs to take both to keep Jessie safe. It didn’t take much convincing after that.” I wince at the mention of Isaiah’s new wife. “You haven’t been sleeping much, have you?”

The circles under my eyes are dark enough that it looks like I’ve got two black eyes and all this weight I’ve been losing has given me a rather gaunt appearance. “No, I’ve been so nervous about today that I could hardly sleep all week.”

That’s only half true. I haven’t been able to sleep much because each night I lay my head down to rest, I am met with another nightmare. A man who looks just like me, claiming he’s my father, meets me in those nightmares every night. At thispoint, I’ve been avoiding sleep like my life depends on it, but in exchange for my sleep avoidance, I won’t be winning any beauty pageants soon.

“This whole nightmare will be over in no time. Once we know Isaiah has returned to his normal self, we will figure out what to do about annulling that marriage.” Madison glances back over in my direction with a nervous smile.

“I might have a plan for that,” I say quietly, “but I’ll need to talk to Isaiah first once, if, he goes back to normal.”

“Great, I hope you’ve prepared your talking points because you’ll be using them shortly,” She scrunches up her nose and smiles as we pull up to the house and she cuts the engine. “Ready?”

I take a deep breath and consciously relax my shoulders, “Let’s go get Isaiah back and say goodbye to this Jessie-obsessed zombie once and for all.”

“Atta girl!” Madison says, cheering me on.

Madison leads me into Chase’s office and neither of us says a word. The drugs they’ve been feeding Isaiah keep him calm and impair his senses quite a bit, particularly his ability to smell, but his hearing remains relatively intact.
