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“Oh, there you are!” She says smiling and approaches me trying to kiss me.

“Whoa, I don’t think so,” I say angrily. “The love potion has worn off and I will never kiss you again,”

“You’re my husband now silly, until death do us part. Remember?” She says with a triumphant smile on her face.

“Actually, that is not true. I think you’ll find a copy of an annulment in the mail sooner rather than later,” I say wiggling my empty ring finger in her direction.

“What are you talking about?” She furrows her eyebrows and narrows her eyes into slits as she scrutinizes me.

“Our wedding was not legal. You might as well forget it ever happened because, in the name of the law, I was under duress by being drugged, so the marriage does not count.” I stand up a little taller, praying Jessie leaves of her own accord.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” She’s shaking with rage now; I can almost see the heat steaming off her. All her sunshine nicety nice attitude has gone away. She looks like she wants to stab me. “How did you even manage something like that?”

“I know a judge who owes me a favor,”actually the judge owes Lorelei a favor, but I am not willingly going to drag her name into this mess.

“So just like that, you’re done with me? What about all the time we spent together? Those passionate nights?” She steps forward wild-eyed, and I take a step back.

“That wasn’t real, that was only an illusion,” I say firmly.

“No, it wasn’t!” She whines stomping her feet, her hands balled into red fists.

“Jessie that was an incredibly violating experience and if I am being one hundred percent honest with you, I wish I’d never met you. I wish I’d never had my truck repainted, and I wish you would just get the hell away from me and stay away. You disgust me, the thought of ever having been with you makes me ill, I can’t even stand to look at you.” I didn’t mean to say all of that but as soon as I started it was damn near impossible to shut the floodgates again.

“Is that how you truly feel? You are going to regret ever talking to me that way!” She turns and stalks out of the restaurant. Maybe I will, but it sure felt nice to get all of that off my chest.

“Guesswhose parents came home from their European holiday just to haul their daughter off with them after learning she married a ‘commoner’?” Lorelei’s eyes glint mischievously.

“You are amazing,” I kiss her and pull her in closer to me. Her naked body, merely covered by a thin sheet, calls to me.

“No! No! You’ve got to go and fish before ‘Catch of the Day’ reopens, and I have to finish up with a few orders,” she kisses me once more a slow lingering kiss, and then she slips out of bed. She has always reminded me of art but after this time apart, she seems even more beautiful than ever. “Are you watching me get dressed?”

I can hear the smile in her voice even though her back is turned to me, “I might be appreciating the view.”

“And you think that all the fish you need to have to open today will catch themselves?” She teases, sliding on her t-shirt and then turning to face me while she buttons her jeans.

I roll my eyes, even though Lorelei is right, and peel myself up and out of bed throwing on my clothes, “How did you manage to get Jessie’s parents’ attention?”

“It was like magic,” she smiles raising an eyebrow. “I’m going to make some coffee.”

“Mmm, coffee sounds good.”

“I’ll fill a thermos for you. I think I’ll come by for lunch today.” She says cheerfully.

“Good, I was hoping you would say that.” I say following her into the kitchen.

The fish were jumpingtoday and from the moment we opened our doors this morning we’ve had a non-stop stream of customers.It feels good to be back in business, baby.

My nerves are starting to rise a bit, I glance at the clock again and it’s well past noon. Lorelei hasn’t shown up for lunch and she’s not answering any of my texts.

“Hey, you guys think you’ve got this?” The Sous Chef nods, “I’ve got to check on something. Hopefully I’ll be back soon.”

Throwing my dirty apron into the laundry bin, I head out the back door and hop in my truck,I’ve got a bad feeling about this.When I pull up to L’s Apothecary, the door is unlocked even though the sign says closed. I let myself in and rush over to Lorelei sprawled out on the floor. Her eyes are rolled so far into the back of her head all I can see are the whites. “Lorelei, what’s happening to you?”

Her muscles are tense and stiff but she still trembles, almost like she is being electrocuted. At my touch, she begins mumbling, mostly incoherent stuff. My heart stops when I hear her say “No, you can’t have my body.”

I pull out my cellphone and dial Chase, “Hey we’ve got a problem at L’s, with Lorelei. Can you call the Grey Pack and have them put you in contact with that local coven of witches they know? There is something seriously wrong with Lorelei and a regular hospital isn’t going to help her.” I quickly say with a little panic in my voice.

“On it,” Chase hangs up the phone.
