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The feeling of his smooth naked skin against mine sends shivers down my spine. He takes his time with me, kissing every inch of my body. Running his fingertips along my arms and legs while his lips circle my navel, and then lower centimeter by centimeter in a slow teasing manner.

I arch my back and lift my hips slightly. Eager for him to taste me and to feel the slickness of his tongue. He does not make me wait much longer and his hands come down to my hips holding me firmly in place while his tongue pleasures me.

My panting increases quickly and soon I am screaming out in ecstasy, grateful for the soundproofing of this room. Isaiah kisses his way back up to my throat and lingers there while he positions himself above me. My entire body trembles with expectancy. And as he fills me with his throbbing member, I release my pent up emotions to finally accept that I have my Isaiah home.

Layingin Isaiah’s warm and protective embrace I let out a sigh of relief. Now that we are together again, everything that feltimpossible before doesn’t seem so bad anymore. His breath tickles my ear as it washes over my head.

“You know what was weird about when you visited me in the basement?” Isaiah asks in a dreamy far away tone.

“Just about everything?” I say perking up a bit.

“Ha, well yeah I guess you could say that, but to be more specific the feelings that I have for you are so strong, that even with that powerful potion binding me to Jessie, I wanted you. I wanted you so badly, but that desire made me angry. It made me disgusted with myself for betraying Jessie’s commands.” His fingers run through my hair absentmindedly.

“You still wanted me?” My eyebrows knit together,that’s unprecedented.Magic that strong doesn’t tend to waiver like that.Did I do something wrong with the potion? Maybe it’s just different because he’s a shifter. Or maybe there is something special between shifters and their true mates.

“I will always want you,” he says with a yawn.

Before long, his breathing is deep and steady, lulling me into a slumber of my own.

Standing before a giant mirror placed in the stars, shadows dance in my periphery. The familiar figure of the man who haunts my dreams emerges from the shadows, and my blood runs cold. I’m back in my nightmare, if that is what this is.

“Lorelei,” he whispers, his cold hand reaches out, and before I can react, it phases through my body. The sensation is surreal, a ghostly touch that jolts through every fiber of my being.

I watch with horror, frozen in place, as the figure steps into my body and disappears. Blending into a disconcerting union. Suddenly, I am no longer the observer but a vessel for the haunting force that claims to be my father.

“Lorelei, Lorelei!” Isaiah’s voice pulls me out of my slumber. My head flops around momentarily before I recognize what’shappening, before I feel Isaiah’s hands grasping my shoulders tightly. “Are you okay?”

“Fine, I’m fine, honestly,” I say fluttering my eyelids open and doing my best to give Isaiah a reassuring smile.

Isaiah eyes me suspiciously but says nothing. I let out a quick sigh. Good, he lets it go. I haven’t told anyone about these nightmares yet and I don’t intend to start now.

Chapter 15


“‘Catch of the Day’ is officially ready to open! Thanks, Samuel for all your help with the pub and for keeping up on repairs while I was, uh, out of commission.” I offer.

“No problem, Isaiah! Thank you for helping Annie and me find a pack where we can start a family and not constantly have to be on the run. You gave us a chance at a new life, this has been the least I can do.” Samuel claps a large hand on my back. “Do you mind if I head back home, or do you want me here while the inspector comes?”

“Go ahead and get home, I’m sure Annie misses you.”

“She sure does, and I miss her too. Let me know what the inspector says. If we need to redo anything, I am your man.” He says, already halfway out of the door.

As I walk through ‘Catch of the Day’, I perform my own unprofessional inspection, combing over every nook and cranny. A sense of satisfaction washes over me.This looks even better than when we first opened.

The counters, once marred by the destructive flames, now sparkle and all the new appliances as well. I’m itching to openthe pub, but I must wait until the inspector arrives and gives us the green light. The success of the repair work hinges on their approval, and I find myself pacing around the freshly restored interior, anxiety simmering beneath my surface.

Finally, the inspector knocks on the door, and I practically run toward it to greet him. After we greet each other, he begins to scrutinize every detail. Holding my breath, I watch as he meticulously moves through the total pub examining every repair.

“This looks great, fantastic job repairing the damage in here “, he says with a nod of approval. “You’ve got the green light to open back up whenever you are ready.”

Relief washes over me, now we are officially ready to open to the public, tomorrow. Which means, I need to go fishing.

A familiar scent hits my nose and stops me in my tracks,oh God no.

“Knock, knock,” Jessie’s grating voice comes through the door.Great, she’s just let herself right in.“I know you’re in here honey, where is that handsome husband of mine?”

Her voice is melodic in a way that makes me extremely nervous. Why is she acting like nothing happened? I haven’t seen her since my pack mates broke me out of my delusion and left her behind at the cabin.
