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“Dinner is served!” Madison’s voice rings through the house.

We all pile our way into the dining room where the table is filled with freshly baked dinner rolls, green beans, several spatchcocked chickens, mashed potatoes, and several colorful hearty salads.

“Annie, this looks insanely delicious, my mouth is watering.” I announce. “Well go ahead and serve yourself something to eat then,” she teases. I don’t waste another minute.

Dinner is so good, hardly anyone utters a word until their second plates are licked clean. Scanning the table I see everyone is finished eating, raising my glass up, I clear my throat capturing the attention of the pack.

“Tonight, I raise a glass to new beginnings, to family, and to the strength of our pack,” I toast, locking my eyes onto Lorelei’s with a glint of anticipation.

Cheers come from around the table and the sound of clinking glasses resonates through the room. I steal another glance at Lorelei. Her smile is infectious, and it warms my heart. Tonight feels right, and I can’t shake the nervous excitement that courses through me.

“There’s something else I’d like to say,” the room falls quiet again. I catch Chase’s curious eye. “Or rather something I would like to ask.”

Taking a deep breath I look deeply into Lorelei’s eyes, my heart pounding. “Lorelei,” I begin, my voice filled with emotion, “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known. Inside and out. The very first time I ever laid eyes on you, you were talking to the plants in the forest as you foraged.

You even took a moment to tease an old bear. Your playfulness, fiery spirit, and the endless amount of genuine love that you carry in your heart, have brought so much joy and love into my life. I can’t imagine a future without you.”

Dropping to one knee I pull the small box out of my pocket, Lorelei’s eyes widen, already brimming with tears. I can feel that the rest of the room is holding its breath, but my eyes remain locked on the love of my life.

“Will you spend the rest of your life with me, and try to let me show you every day just how wonderful and brilliant you are?” I ask, the vulnerability in my voice matched by the sincerity in my eyes.

Lorelei gasps, tears of joy sliding down her cheeks and onto her plump smiling lips. She nods vigorously and jumps on me nearly knocking the ring out of my hand. Wrestling me to the ground she kisses me, kiss after kiss pinning me down beneath her.

“Is that a yes?” I ask slightly concerned this might be some sort of diversion tactic.

“Yes, I will marry you, yes I will spend the rest of my life with you, yes I love you!!!” She almost screams.

The pack erupts into cheers, clapping and congratulating us. I slip the ring onto Lorelei’s finger, a perfect fit. Madison rushes over and tackles Lorelei off me showering her with hugs and words of congratulations.

What a perfect end to a wonderful day.

The past fewmonths of living together has been a dream. Now that Lorelei and Madison live in the pack house, the place is even more stylish, while still maintaining a lived-in charm. Of course, there’s also a lot more talk about taking out the trash and putting down the toilet seat, but it’s a trade-off worth making.

DHS has not been a problem for us, but a month back we did hear word that some shifters have gone missing on the east coast. Chase and Ash took it upon themselves to make sure that a bunch of vials of the ‘Hide Me’ potion were distributed out on the East Coast.

There’s a new level of connectivity amongst shifters now. Who knows how long it will last, but it’s been nice. Standing in front of the mirror I straighten my tie.No more thinking about DHS. Today is the day I marry the woman I am head over heels in love with. Act like it.

“Are you ready Isaiah?” Chase asks popping in through the back door of L’s Apothecary. “It’s time for you to get married!”

I smile at myself once more, it’s a shame that my mom and dad can’t be here as a part of my special day. I hadn’t thought it would wear on me so much, but today I am feeling the absence much more than usual. I did invite them, but of course, they said they would not be able to attend.

“I think I am ready,” I say heading outside with Chase right beside me. My heart flutters and my hands gently tremble.

“You look great,” Madison whispers as she guides me toward the archway in the small part right off the main street, just a block down from the bar.

The air is warm and breezy, the perfect spring day for a wedding. The town square buzzes with life, adorned with twinkling fairy lights and fragrant peonies, daylilies, and lilacs.

Nearly everyone in town is in attendance at our wedding. Lorelei thought that if we invited everyone it would be a great way to make some friends in town and, at the very least, get brownie points for feeding them. By the smiles on people’s faces right now, and we haven’t even gotten to the food part yet, I’d say she was completely right.

The acoustic music starts playing and my heart races as I watch Lorelei walking down the aisle toward me, she is a vision in a creme-colored vintage lace wedding gown that is tailored to fit her every curve perfectly. Her wild curls are down and free, her lips matching the red of her hair.

Lorelei’s eyes remain locked on mine and time stands still, her radiant smile reflects the happiness in her heart, and I’m overwhelmed by the beauty of the woman I’m about to marry. Lorelei’s dad walks her down the aisle with confidence and vigor, something she never thought he’d be able to do with his previous health problems.

As her dad hands her off to me, the world around us fades and it is just the two of us ready to begin our lives as a married couple. Taking Lorelei’s hands in mine, it takes every ounce of self-restraint I have not to kiss her immediately.

With great caring and patience, I listen as the officiant, a friendly face from town, begins the ceremony. The words become a melody of promises, laughter, and shared dreams.

“Isaiah, from the moment our paths intertwined, I knew my life would never be the same. Today, surrounded by the love of our community, I stand here ready to share my days, my nights, my hopes, my dreams, and my heart with you. You are my rock, my protector, my lover, my teddy bear, and my best friend. I will love and cherish you forever.” She says with a loving smile.

When it’s my turn, I speak from the depths of my soul, “Lorelei, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever known. Inside and out. Your playfulness, fiery spirit, and endless love in your heart have brought so much joy and love into my life. I can’t imagine a future without you, and I am so glad that I do not have to. I cannot wait to go on endless adventures with you, whether it’s picking out a vacuum, driving across the country, or flying out to an island. Everything I do with you will always be an adventure.”

As the night continues, the town square transforms into a dance floor. Lorelei and I share our first dance as a married couple, surrounded by the glow of fairy lights and the loving gazes of our friends, family, and the Pinehaven Pack. The music plays a mix of rock and roll, pop, and classical music as the whole town loses themselves as they dance.

The night is perfect as we dance the night away, surrounded by the people who have become our family. I’m grateful for the journey that brought us here and excited for the adventures that lie ahead. And as Lorelei and I take a moment of quiet for ourselves, we look into each other’s eyes and realize that our love story has only just begun.
