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“You’ll be back, you still have a shop to run.” I assure her.

“I know, it just won’t be the same. That doesn’t mean the way things are changing won’t be good but just let me be nostalgic for a moment.” She laughs and leans against me resting her chin on my bicep.

“You are very nice for offering up your apartment for Samuel and Annie,” I kiss her on the forehead and squeeze her waist pulling her in closer to me.

“And the baby on the way!” she says smiling.

“Yes, and their unborn child, our first Pinehaven Pack wolf family with kids.” I say a little dreamily, hoping Lorelei and I will have our own baby one day.

“Are you ready to live with all of our craziness and officially become a part of the Pinehaven Pack?” My heart beats nervously, it’s a big change and I don’t want Lorelei to feel like she’s being rushed into anything.

“I know you are worried about me but don’t be. It’s been over four months since I absorbed my bizarre-o dad and the astral energy and while that situation is still totally confusing and a little gross, you know how much good came from it.” She reassures me.

“Speaking of which, what are your mom and dad up to anyway, now that he’s healthy and free to roam?”

“They were in Greece last month, now they are in Italy, and I think they are headed to the Bahamas next. It’s starting to get cold in some places, so they are planning to avoid winter at all costs. When we get old and arthritic, we might want to take a page out of their book on that front.”

“I’m with you there. Are you ready to head to your new home?” I say with a big grin on my face.

A brilliant smile breaks out on Lorelei’s gorgeous face too, her eyes light up and she kisses me on the arm, “I don’t think you can understand how excited I am to be able to wake up next to you every morning.”

“Then you must not understand how excited I am to fall asleep with you every night,” I say with a wink and hold open the passenger side door for Lorelei. As she climbs in, she is practically bouncing.

“Drew and Dustin are probably almost done unpacking the U-Haul they drove up to the house by now and Annie is cooking a big welcome home dinner for you.” I say.

“Have Chase, Samuel, and Ash nearly finished with that training facility yet? They said they should be done this week. I was so distracted by packing I forgot to ask!”

“They finished yesterday darlin’, now we’ve just got to set up all the equipment and we’re set. The underground part is my favorite. I mean that place is massive.” I say excitedly. I can’t wait to use all parts of that center.

“Good because we may have tricked DHS into staying away for now, but we can’t be certain how long that will work or what might come our way next. For a small town, Pinehaven sure has its range of issues and plenty of excitement served alongside.” Lorelei says with a bit of a concern.

“Let’s not talk about DHS tonight, okay? It’s time to celebrate and enjoy our new life together.”

“You’re right, you’re right, I’m sorry it’s just that I still sell so many of those ‘Hide Me’ potions it’s hard for me not to think about DHS sometimes.”

“I heard even my old pack, the West Coast pack, has ordered a bunch of those vials from you.”

“They have, word has spread. Which also means it might be time to tell you about the upgraded version of the potions.” I say a little sheepishly.

“Oh?” I raise an eyebrow turning onto the long gravel driveway home.

“It took me a long time to figure it out and I’m almost embarrassed to admit it, but you know those muddled gossip potions I created to try and cut down on unnecessary town gossip and allow some people to have their secrets?”

“Um hmm, talk at the bar has gotten significantly less interesting, so I can’t, in good faith, thank you for that one.” I say teasingly.

“Sorry to take the juicy town gossip away from you, love. Anyway, I combined the ‘Hide Me’ potion with the ‘No Gossip’ potion and tweaked it a little. Now if anyone finds themself in a bad situation where DHS is trying to pry information out of them about the ‘Hide Me’ potion, all the information shared will come out too muddled for it to be of use.”

“What was it that Madison called you when you first developed the potion? Oh yes, a genius! You are absolutely a genius.” I say of her proudly.

“Thank you, thank you very much.” She says doing a terrible Elvis impression.

“We’re here, do you want to unload these boxes tomorrow and relax tonight?” I ask hoping she’s had enough moving for one day.

“Considering you hardly have let me lift a finger this whole move, yes, I am exhausted. Let’s unpack the rest of this tomorrow.” She says humorously.

I let out a sigh of genuine relief, “Good.” I say as I cut the engine and put the keys in my pocket instinctually patting my pocket again to make sure the box, I’d slipped in there earlier hadn’t somehow gotten lost.Still there.

As we walk into the house the aroma of a delicious home-cooked meal spills out through the open door into the yard. Everyone is in great spirits tonight. Laughter fills the house from every occupied room, tonight is the beginning of a new chapter for all of us.
