Page 34 of Out of His League

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“I am sorry about Saturday. Kavanagh told me to stay home yesterday. He took care of Karoline and got her off of campus. My phone was off all day, not wanting to talk to anyone and face what might have been said about things. You deserved a call and an explanation. Since that didn’t happen, and there is no excuse except for being a coward, I apologize.”

Brock wears no expression as we stare at each other. After several long moments, he gives me a curt nod, placing a kiss on my cheek, before turning and walking away. Staring at his retreating form, my feet stay planted until he is out of sight.

That could have gone either way, so I will take it as a win.


Pre-season workouts are in full swing for baseball. We have our first game in two days. Thankfully, with Kassidy’s help, my grades have gotten high enough that I have been taken off of academic probation. Coach did warn me that if my grades don’t at least remain the same, he won’t hesitate to bench me.

Kassidy and I have continued the ruse that we are dating, but with her sister no longer on campus, we don’t have to flaunt it. If nothing else, the ruse of having a girlfriend has resulted in a lot of girls leaving me alone, which is refreshing. I should have thought of this years ago and avoided all the hassle. The two of us have gotten into a nice routine, with some weekend study sessions taking place at the apartment instead of the library.

Gavin, Callum, Rodney, Ashton, and Kennedy have warmed up to me a bit. We aren’t ready to all hang out on the regular, but we are all cordial with each other.

“So, how do you think Tutor Girl is going to do on the road?” Zanko whispers as we step out of the showers. Today is our last practice before the regular season starts. The pre-season games had only been one-day trips, allowing Kassidy to stay behind.

The ringing of my phone prevents me from having to answer him. Picking it up, I let out a soft groan as my father’s nameflashes across the screen. Not wanting to argue with him, I decline the call. Instead, getting dressed quickly, as Father won’t be put off for long.

“What’s going on?” Zanko questions, his eyes darting to my phone and back as thoughts of Kassidy get pushed aside.

“It’s my father,” I say as my phone rings again. Declining the call for a second time, I double check that everything is in my travel bag. No sooner have I finished going through it, my phone rings, again.

“He isn’t going to give up. You better just answer,” Zanko states flatly, stating the obvious.

Deciding to get this over with and come back to recheck my bag, I accept the call as my feet move to the outer hallway, giving me a little bit of privacy. As soon as the call connects, my father’s angry voice comes through the line before even getting a chance to say “hello.”

“What the fuck do you think you are doing ignoring my call?”

Pinching the bridge of my nose and digging deep into my soul for some patience, I keep my voice even. “I was in the shower since we just finished practice.”

Father doesn’t comment on my reason. Hell will freeze over before he ever admits that he was wrong about something. His anger is palpable, and I can feel it through the phone as he finally gets to therealreason he called.

“What is this bullshit I am hearing about you having a girlfriend? I thought I made myself clear on what you are to be doing this semester.”

Of course, Father would never admit to being wrong.

“It’s not what you think,” I start before he cuts me off.

“You have two things to do this semester. You are to be studying or doing whatever your coach tells you to do. If you have enough extra time to bedating, you aren’t doing one of those two things enough.”

Father spits the worddatingout as if he tasted something bitter. In standard fashion for Devlin Adams, he gives me more orders, not letting me get a word in.

“Your grades have improved to keep you playing, but it isn’t what I told you was required. Get your shit together, or you can kiss both college and the majors goodbye.”

With his threat hanging in the air, the call ends. Many of my teammates give me strange looks as they exit the locker room. Schooling my features and keeping the phone at my ear so it looks as if I am still speaking to someone, they pass by without a second glance.

The guys who have been here a while have all had the misfortune of meeting my father. Underclassmen, however, have not. After several minutes, I give up the ruse and head back into the locker room to recheck my bag.

The alarm blares, rousing me out of bed. It isn’t as if I was sleeping, so I drag my tired ass to the shower. Hopefully, I can grab a nap on the bus. After returning to our room last night, Zanko and I both packed our duffle bags so we were ready to go. Starting a new season is always exciting. Thoughts of having Kassidy with me have my lips tipping up in a grin.

Quickly showering and then dressing, I see Zanko getting up just as I step back into our room. He looks more bleary-eyed than I do. Raising an eyebrow in question at him, he ignores me as he stumbles toward the bathroom for his own shower.

Picking my phone up, I send a quick message to Kassidy, to make sure she is up. The last thing we want is for Coach to jump on her about being late and holding up the bus.


Are you up?

After checking my bag again, I also check my backpack to make sure all of my books and assignments are ready to go. It takes Kassidy a few moments to respond.
