Page 18 of Player Problems

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Whoever sent these is an idiot in more than one way. I grumble to myself as I head across the square and towards the hockey houses. My phone starts to vibrate in my pocket, but with the vase in my hand, I can’t quite reach it. Whatever. Wells can wait.

“Dude, what the fuck?” Is how he greets me when I do make it back to the house.

“Relax, I’m not even late,” I say, double checking the time to make sure I’m not. But nope. We run at 6:30 and it’s still only 6:15.

“That’s not what I meant,” he huffs.

James walks into the kitchen as I set the ridiculous flowers on the counter. “Didn’t take you for a flower guy, Levine.”

“Fuck off,” I curse half-heartedly. I should have known they were going to give me a hard time about the fucking flowers. Why didn’t I just throw them out? It’s not like I want thestupid flowers meant for Torryn either. “Someone sent them to Torryn.”

“Dude,” Wells says, exasperation making his voice rise. “You can’t steal a girl’s flowers just because you fucked her.”

James turns back from the fridge, protein shake in hand. “You fucked Torryn again?”

Memories of the night before flash through my mind and my cock twitches in my pants as images of a disheveled Tor take over my train of thought. Yeah, I definitely fucked her.

Wells snorts. “That stupid ass grin says that’s exactly where he disappeared to last night.” He flicks a flower petal. “You still can’t steal her flowers.”

“I didn’t steal them,” I defend. “She didn’t want them. Whoever sent them doesn’t know her at all. I mean white?” I scoff and Wells pauses from taking a sip of his shake. “What?” I ask, grabbing my own shake.

He shakes his head, attempting to hide his smirk behind his cup. “I didn’t say anything.”

I take a couple sips, staring at the flowers with a disdain I don’t understand. They rub me the wrong way. “The note was weird,” I finally say, attempting to put my finger on what’s bothering me.

“Note?” James asks as Beau makes his appearance, ignoring us as he heads straight to the fridge.

“Yeah, the note with the flowers.”

Beau sleepily scoffs. “What? Clarissa heard you banned her from hockey houses and sent flowers as a way to get back in your pants?”

My mouth drops open in shock. “How the fuck did you land on that conclusion?” I sputter.

He shrugs, but Wells rolls his eyes. “Because stealing flowers from your fuck buddy is more reasonable?”

Beau blinks slowly. “What the fuck, Levine? You stole a girl’s flowers?”

“Oh my fuck,” I groan. “I didn’t steal her flowers. She thought Wells was sending them to Isla.”

“Isla prefers peonies,” Wells interrupts. “Colorful ones,” he adds unhelpfully.

“Good to know for when I send your girl flowers.” His eyes harden and his smile drops as he glares at me. Serves him right for not paying attention. “Anyways,” I drawl in annoyance. “They weren’t for Isla. They had Tor’s name on them with a note. Didn’t say from who and she told me to take them.”

“And the note was weird?” James asks, getting us back on topic.

“Yeah.” I toss my empty cup in the sink and run my fingers through my hair. “It basically said she was pretty but she needed to fix her personality.”

Silence weighs heavily in the room.

“No, it didn’t,” Beau deadpans.

“Yes, it fucking did,” I argue. “Just more poetically.” I reach into my pocket, pulling out the crumpled note and place it into Wells’ outstretched hand.

Torryn, these flowers are a reminder of what every good woman should be. Beautiful and delicate. Meant to be appreciated for their perfectly curated petals, free of the thorns that hinder their elegance. It is better to be loved for your softness than known for your temper. Lose your thorns, Torryn, before they become your undoing.

“Okay, yeah.” James shivers, his lip curling up in distaste. “That’s pretty creepy.”

“She doesn’t know who they’re from?” Beau asks just as the doorbell rings. Fuck, that must be the freshmen and I still need to change out of yesterday’s clothes.
