Page 19 of Player Problems

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“She didn’t seem to care,” I say, stopping only to nod to the guys walking in. “Give me a minute,” I call, turning to run up the stairs. I shove the note in the drawer next to my bed. For some reason, I think it would be a mistake to throw it away. Torryn seemed unbothered, but then again, I didn’t actually show her the note. Maybe I should text her. Who even sends anonymous flowers? Creeps and stalkers. That’s who.

Rushing back downstairs, the guys are all still standing in our kitchen, talking about the flowers. I swear to god, I’m throwing those fuckers away as soon as we get back to the house.

“Don’t even fucking say it,” I warn, raising my hand as Zac opens his mouth when he spots me. He snickers, but follows James as he leads the group out of the house.

Beau, James, Wells, and I have been doing this morning run every weekday since we all moved in together as a way to keep each other accountable, even during the off season. It was only at the start of this semester that some of the freshmen that live down the street decided to start joining us. I can’t prove it, but I’m almost positive Zac’s older brother, Tate, was behind the suggestion. As our team captain, he saw the freshmen for exactly what they were. Rowdy and wild.

I wasn’t overly fond of the idea at first. Our runs have always been a way for us to bond in a quieter, more low key way. Adding annoying, loud ass freshmen is neither quiet, nor calm. But it hasn’t been all bad. It’s helped our team unity on the ice, strengthened the bonds between the younger players and us. Especially with the likelihood of some of these guys moving up the lines sooner rather than later.

Wells nudges me as we settle into a steady pace, heading down the street, away from the square. “So this thing with Torryn?”

I roll my eyes, popping one headphone into my ear. “It’s not a thing, Wells. Isla doesn’t care, Tor doesn’t care, I don’t care. You’re the only one who cares I fucked your girlfriend’s roommate.”

He huffs. “Fine, I’ll drop it.”

No he won’t.

“No, you won’t,” James says. “Not until he stops fucking Torryn.”

Jayden, another freshman, moves up to my side. “You hooked up with Torryn? Torryn Gray?”

I shoot James and Wells a glare, but they’re already smirking. Fucking assholes. I grunt in answer, not willing to continue this conversation. Who I fuck is no one’s business. Especially not a smart ass defenseman with a big mouth.

One of Zac’s housemates laughs. “Nice, she’s hot. Heard she’s a bitch, but hot is hot.”

“Shut up, Wilder,” I warn.

Jayden shrugs, his breath catching as he forces himself to keep at my pace. “Heard she’s easy.”

Annoyance flickers into rage. My arm is moving before I even have a chance to think about it, snapping out to shove his shoulder. Hard. He trips over his feet and the force behind my move makes him topple over into a bush. I don’t even break stride as I call out, “Talk about a woman like that again and you won’t be able to skate for the rest of the season.”

Fucking jack ass. Was I really just thinking the freshmen weren’t so bad?

The remaining two, snicker as Jayden curses, fighting to get his ass out of the bush. That’ll teach him a lesson. He’s lucky thebush was there to break his fall cause he was going down either way. My anger still doesn’t abate in the slightest.

I pop my other headphone into my ear, turning the volume all the way up and drowning out the sounds of our pounding feet, the idle chatter, and everything else besides the rapid beat of my heart.


Torryn is anything but fucking easy. She’s confident and fierce. Has no shame about her sexuality or owning who she is. She just knows what she wants and fucking takes it.

Pft. Easy.

As if she would ever look twice at a little fucker like Jayden. The thought itself is too absurd to even entertain. Torryn likes sex, but she likes good sex. Needs a man who won’t just let her walk all over him. Someone who knows when to take charge and when to give up control. Someone who can give her multiple orgasms in a night.

What’s easy about that?

Fucking nothing.

Though, it’s not a hardship. Oh fuck. My dick makes itself known in my basketball shorts and I shake off the wayward thoughts and lock in on the run. On pushing my body. Feeling my feet hit the ground with each step, the way my lungs stretch and burn with every inhale and the relief with each exhale.

Gradually I pick up the pace until even the sweet memories of last night have no hold on my brain. I push myself until no thought has any chance of sticking as all my focus is needed on breathing, on staying on my feet, on going just a little faster as the square comes into view.

Sweat drips down my back and face, my breathing labored in a way I don’t usually get to during our morning runs. The point isn’t normally to push ourselves. It’s the routine. Thecommitment. But I needed the burn today. The quiet that usually only comes when I’m on the ice.

It’s only when I begin to slow down as I reach my street that I realize I’m alone. Oops. I guess no one wanted to keep up with the brutal pace I set after pushing Jayden into the bush. Or maybe it doesn’t have anything to do with the bush and everything to do with the pace.

Either way, it means I don’t have to fight with Wells on who gets the first shower in our bathroom. Maybe I should leave his ass in the dust more often.
