Page 21 of Player Problems

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I think he’s actually jealous over whoever sent Torryn those flowers

What flowers?

Wtf Wells? What flowers

Sorry babe! We were running

I think Baylor might like Torryn

He pushed one of the freshman into a bush for talking shit

Good. But back to the flowers. What flowers?



Sweet, sweet freedom.

Shutting my laptop and slipping it into my bag has never felt so damn good. Despite what I told Isla at the beginning of the week, I didn’t get very much rest after all. My new athlete turned out to be one of Baylor’s teammates and for only being a handful of weeks into the semester, he’s already significantly behind. More than I thought possible.

Between making his study schedule and organizing resources for him, my schedule was already more jam packed than I thought it would. Not to mention one of my own professors veering off the syllabus and adding yet another unexpected student to my tutoring roster–not that he’s bothered to show up yet. This week has dragged on and I’m already exhausted.

I hurry out of the class, pulling out my phone to check the time. Perfect. I should have enough time to add in a little power nap before I have to start getting ready to go to the game with Isla. After this hellish week, I have major regrets about even agreeing to go to the stupid thing. But Isla would have my head if she knew I had even contemplated ditching her.

My phone lights up with a familiar face and my exhaustion is forgotten as I answer the Facetime. “Hey, babes. How’s my favorite baby sister?”

Rayne giggles. “I’m your only baby sister.”

“Are you sure?” I tease. “I thought we had a middle sister too.”

The groan I expected comes from somewhere off screen and I hear my grandma chuckle at my brother’s annoyance. “Don’t be a–” Kanyon cuts himself off, popping up behind Rayne and giving me a death stare through the screen before looking at her pointedly. “You know exactly what I was going to call you if we didn’t have little ears listening.”

My grandma smacks his shoulder, but there’s no real heat behind it as she steers the conversation back to the phone call and distracts Rayne from her questions about what name Kanyon was going to use. We don’t have much longer before her innocence is gone and she’s just as wild as the rest of us. Lord help my grandma.

“How are you, sweetheart?” The warmth of her voice soothes even the most exhausted parts of my body.

“I’m good, Grandma. Busy now that the semester is really underway. Classes and tutoring are really picking up.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful, sweetie. I’m so proud of you. Are you making time to have some fun for yourself as well?”

Rayne perks up, giggling and bouncing in her seat. “Oo, oo. Tor! Do you have a boyfriend?”

Kanyon gags behind her and I can’t help but laugh at the difference in their reactions. “No boyfriend,” I answer honestly. “But I am going to the hockey game tonight with Isla to watch her boyfriend.”

Rayne jumps in her seat. “Lala has a boyfriend?”

I nod at her excitement. I didn’t think it was possible for Kanyon to look more disgusted than he did only a moment ago,but I was wrong. “She does. His name is Wells and he is very handsome and kind.” I add the last bit for my grandma’s benefit, though I know the first bit already intrigued her. She’s always said kindness is the most important virtue to look for in a person after you make sure they’re easy to look at.

My grandma beams as Rayne bursts into the kind of laughter that could only come from a little girl. “And he plays hockey,” my grandma coos. “How splendid for her. Bet he’s strong.” Kanyon gags again behind her. “Lala deserves a good man.”

A wistful look crosses her face and I know she’s thinking of my grandpa. They were the happiest couple I have ever known. My heart pangs with loss and I miss him. The ache never really goes away, but in moments like these, it almost steals my breath away.

“You know, you should really try putting yourself out there more,” she scolds, focusing back on me.

It’s hard not to smirk at the familiar lecture. Putting myself out there isn’t the problem. It’s probably the opposite, I’m putting out a little too much. I wave her off before she has the chance to read my thoughts and take us down a path best left unexplored. “Maybe when I’m done with school,” I say instead. “My focus is on other things.”

She sighs, putting her head in her hands. “You work too much.” Guilt lines her face and I give her a soft smile.
