Page 20 of Player Problems

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Walking through the front door, my eyes are immediately drawn to those damn flowers. No. I can’t do this. Can’t have a reminder of this whole weird ass day be the first thing I see when I walk into the house. It’s bad juju. We do not do bad juju.

My phone rings as I pick up the vase to throw the whole damn thing in the trash can. Out of sight, out of mind.

“Hey, Mom,” I answer. Dropping the fuckers into the bin and smiling at the sound of shattering glass. There’s too much to do today to waste my time being haunted by the weird ass flowers.

I look up to see my mom giving me a concerned look through the phone. “What?”

She scrunches her nose. “Why are you throwing away those flowers? They look lovely.” A wild look enters her gaze and her tone turns suspicious. “Why do you have flowers? Is there a girl? Baylor, did you buy flowers for a girl?” The questions are asked rapidly one after another and I groan when I hear another, but deeper voice.

“Baby Bay bought a girl flowers?” My older brother, Dylan, pokes his head around my mom’s shoulder with an evil grin, his messy blonde hair falling to his shoulders in waves. My mom smacks his stomach lightly, pulling the phone away from him until he’s out of view. Except, he only follows her.

“Tell me about her,” my mom sighs, making me roll my eyes.

“There’s no girl,” I say instinctually before hesitating. That’s a lie. “Not the way you’re thinking.”

Dylan snorts. “If you’re buying her flowers, then it’s not what you're thinking either,” he quips.

I groan, heading up to my room. I didn’t know it was possible to regret something so simple this much, but fuck do I wish I had just walked away and never picked up those damn flowers.

My mom chides him for his insinuations, but he’s closer to the target. Not that I would ever admit it to her. “Mom,” I cut off her tirade. “I’m not dating anyone. The flowers were sent to a friend,by someone else,”I emphasize, “but she didn’t want them. I simply took them to toss them for her.”

Her eyes narrow in suspicion. “It’s quite early–”

“Stop.” I put my hand up and run it over my face before she can even ask the question I know is on the tip of her tongue. “Please don’t ask questions we both really don’t want you to know the answers to.”

Her cheeks turn rosy and her smile turns down as Dylan cackles behind her. “I can’t wait to tell Jackson about mom catching you coming home from a one night stand.”

My mom clears her throat and I groan, changing the topic. “Yes, Mom. Hockey is going really well. I just got back from my run with some of the guys and we are gearing up for the first preseason game. How are you?”

My brother laughs all the harder and I already know the group with all five of my older brothers is going to be blowing up as soon as I’m off the phone with our mom.

Amusement dances in my mom’s soft brown eyes and the slight wrinkles on her face deepen as she smiles. “We are doing well here. I was actually calling because we all want to come down for the first game coming up.”

Excitement is quickly replaced by waryness as her words sink in. “All of you?” I ask hesitantly.

Dylan beams, taking the phone from my mom. “All. Of. Us. It sounds like we have lots to talk about.”

Ah fuck. I’m never going to live down these fucking flowers.


Found the missing hockey player


He was seriously with Torryn all night after disappearing?

Just left

I’m calling that fucker. We were worried all night

I know, sorry. Tor never lets guys spend the night so I didn’t think he’d be here

You’re good babe. Don’t apologize for that asshole

One sec, he just got here

