Page 35 of Player Problems

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She shakes her head. “But,” she emphasizes. “That was before I spent half the day with you and not all the things I was supposed to do.”

I groan dramatically, making her blue eyes dance with amusement. “Okay, fine. What’s on the to-do list then?” I climb out of bed, making quick work of cleaning up our trash and the rest of the pizza.

She raises her voice to answer me as I walk back out to the kitchen telling me about her class times and when her tutoring hours are. The way she runs through it makes it feel like it’s something she’s used to doing. As I walk back into the room, Karma lifts her head to watch me and Torryn continues. “I was supposed to do homework after tutoring and go on a run this evening. So I’ll have to do that in the morning before my first class.”

I perk up. “I run.”

“Okay?” She pushes her sheets down and struts into the bathroom. Okay. She walks. But “walk” is not an adequate description for her naked body being put on display for me. The way her long legs move and make her full ass slightly jiggle with each step.

“Orgasms, run, homework, class, tutoring. Boom, a productive and mutually beneficial day.”

She laughs, turning on the shower. She says something, but I don’t catch it over the shower. Seems like an invitation to me. As soon as she spots me, she narrows her eyes. “You are insufferable.”

“You don’t mean that,” I tease, stripping out of my shorts. “You would have closed the door if you didn’t want me to join you.” As fucking hot as she is, my dick can only stand so much. We keep our shower to actually washing and enjoying each other with soft touches.

By the end of it, she’s agreed to my version of her schedule for tomorrow. Possibly with some persuasion of the heavy petting variety. Don’t let it be said that I don’t know how to get what I want.

We both fall into bed, Potato cuddling up with Torryn as soon as her head hits the pillow. I try to call for Karma, but she ignores me, staying in the little tater tot’s cat bed. Leaving her to it, we fall asleep before I even realize sleep is pulling me under, excitement for tomorrow running through me.

Torryn’s alarm goes off too early. I groan, attempting to move to turn it off, when a meow stops me. My eyes crack open to find Karma and Potato squeezed into the spots between mine and Torryn’s intertwined legs. I laugh when sparkling blue eyes meet mine.

“I tried to wake up, but they weren’t having it.”

I squeeze her waist where my arm is wrapped around her. Apparently, I’m a cuddler in my sleep. That’s news to me. Pulling away from her, I pick up the unhappy kittens and take them into the kitchen to feed them.

And more importantly, to lock them out.

Torryn is sitting up, going through her phone when I come back into the room. Her body shakes when I jump onto the bed, grabbing her knees and spreading them wide. “I was promised breakfast.”



My eyes narrow as Baylor opens my front door, all too comfortable with being in my space now. Is he always so quick to adapt? To take up all the space in every room he walks into?

It should be suffocating, he should be suffocating. But it’s…not.

He is annoying, irritating even. Definitely insufferable at times. Yet, I’m not mad he’s forced his way into my bed and now my run. It’s almost entertaining the way every turn continues to work in his favor.

I need to go on a run? He wants to run with me. He unexpectedly spent the night and doesn’t have a change of clothes? He always keeps a set in his truck. No running shoes? Guess what else is in his truck.

“Are we sure you aren’t living out of that thing?”

The grin he gives me is wry and his eyes dance with mirth. I blow on my coffee and take a sip as he strips in my living room, putting his well defined muscles on display for me. He winks when he catches me staring.

“Karma would not live in a truck.”

I hum, still not convinced and turn back to my yogurt, scrolling through my emails as I take a bite. The pace of my morning is slower than what I’m accustomed to. I almost don’t know what to do with myself, but it’s nice to not be rushing. Even if I know I should be. Maybe it’s all the orgasms in the last twenty-four hours, or maybe it’s just how well I slept last night, but either way, there’s a languidness in my movements today I am unfamiliar with.

Baylor sits at the counter by my side, a protein bar in hand, studying me with that same playful aura he seems to always have. He pinches the oversized shirt I threw on in lieu of getting ready between his fingers, gently tugging. “Are you going to be able to keep up with me on this run?” he taunts.

Pulling my shirt back, I flip him off. “The better question is will you be able to keep up with me?”

He snorts, taking another bite of his bar and talking with a full mouth. “I’m an athlete. Remember? I run every morning.” He chews, tilting his head to the side with a small lift of his shoulder. “Almost every morning,” he corrects.

Finishing my yogurt, I get up and put the bowl and my now emptied coffee mug in the sink before heading to my room with a shrug. “I was an athlete,” I say. “And I still run.” Maybe not every day, but at least four times a week. More when I can make the time. Just because it stopped being a priority, doesn’t mean it ever stopped being a passion.

Surprise flickers over his face. “You were?”
