Page 36 of Player Problems

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It’s not surprising when he follows me back into my room, nor is it surprising when Potato hops off his spot on the couch to trail after me as well. I shrug, stripping out of the shirt and pulling out a sports bra and some running shorts. “Volleyball in highschool,” I explain when he doesn’t stop staring.

His eyes wander over my body, lingering on my thighs. “Makes sense,” he says, scooping up Potato and petting his belly.“The cutest little french fry I’ve ever seen,” he coos, and I throw my shirt at him.

“Don’t call him that.”

The only promise his grin sends my way is that he will absolutely be calling him french fry again. “His name is Potato,” I grumble, making him laugh.

As soon as I tie my running shoes, Baylor releases Potato and the kitten goes and curls up with Karma in his bed. I grab my keys and Baylor follows me out of the apartment and I lock the door behind us.

I set out at my normal pace, heading for the loop that will take us through the park and lead back to the business square. Baylor falls into step behind me, but before we even hit the trail, falls a few steps behind me. Rolling my eyes, I pick up speed as the cement under my feet turns into dirt. Without the normal music I run to, the crunch of the gravel and dirt under my shoes with each step seems even louder. My breathing the only other sound I can focus on, forcing me to take deeper breaths and exhale with intention.

After a few minutes where Baylor doesn't catch up with me, I turn my head to roast him, only to catch his eyes glued to my ass. I snort, shaking my head. “Is checking out my ass more important than showing off how athletic you are?”

His chuckle is deep and masculine as he responds, “It is a good fucking view.”

“Mhm,” I hum, “I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you can’t actually keep up.”

A growl sounds behind me, sending excited tingles down my spine. But Baylor doesn’t reach out for me as I expected, instead jogging past me and turning around to run backwards. “Look at that, the view is just as good from up here,” he teases, his eyes glued to my tits. “Maybe even better and I get to prove my athletic prowess.”

I can’t help but shake my head, as he continues to run backwards and I spot the divet in the dirt coming up behind him. His foot hits it, knocking him off balance and his large body rolls in the dirt.

“You know what they say about playing stupid games,” I taunt, not even slowing a step as I pass him.

I can hear the brush of fabric as he dusts himself off and quickly catches up to me, setting his pace at my side this time. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch the dirt still covering his shirt and some streaked across his neck and smirk.

He laughs at himself, still attempting to brush the dirt off himself. “Still worth it when I get to see you in another sports bra.”

Heat flares in my midsection. Even after all the orgasms he’s given me recently, my body still craves more.

“I can’t even tell you how many times I imagined fucking your tits in one of these yesterday.”

I bump him with my shoulder, ignoring the rising desire pulsing in my veins. I refuse to be further sidetracked by dragging him behind a tree. There’s a long to-do list and very little time to get it done. “You are insatiable.”

Even his hum of agreement makes my desire burn hotter. “But I don’t think I’m the only one.”

Instead of answering him, I pick up speed. He chuckles but matches me step for step for the rest of the run. We both begin to slow as the trail leads back to the sidewalk and I can make out the faded blue of the Wild West building. Deciding to cut through the parking lot, I make a sharp right with Baylor on my heels.

My breath comes out in short pants as sweat drips down my temples. We slow to a brisk walk as a cool down and I push the small hairs that have fallen from my ponytail out of my face.

Exhilaration and the kind of content that only comes from exercising my body and pushing myself, fills me as we cross the parking lot. Baylor’s breath is almost as labored as my own. I smirk, about to taunt him about it when something catches my eye.

I stop, dead in my tracks as all the good feelings from my morning are quickly replaced by horror and dread. Baylor turns, confusion on his face as he sees the blood drained from my own.

“What the fuck?” I whisper, my voice scratchy and harsh as I start to walk towards my car.

Baylor starts to ask what’s wrong, but his gaze follows mine and quickly cuts himself off with his own slew of curses. He catches up to my side as we approach my car that’s been completely trashed.

The longer I look, the more damage I see. All four tires have been slashed, the windows smashed in, trash and dirt, and who knows what else has been thrown into the broken windows. Insults like slut and whore have been carved into the doors, hood, and trunk. How did someone cause this much damage without alerting the entire block?

In a state of shock, I don’t even realize Baylor pacing behind me, his phone pressed to his ear until his hand lands on my back and he thanks whoever was on the other side and tucks his phone back into his pocket.

“The police and campus security are on their way.”

“This isn’t on campus,” I murmur like it’s the most relevant thing to be worried about. Every inch of my car has been destroyed. There’s no way I’ll be able to drive it. Fuck. How much will this even be to fix?

I rub my hand over my face, trying not to let Baylor see just how much I’m freaking out.

The next hour passes quickly with cops showing up and taking photos of my car and telling me whoever did this, alsofucked with things under the hood. The car won’t even start. A headache starts to build behind my left eye and I know it’s only a matter of time before my whole head is throbbing. Baylor never leaves my side, giving his own statement to a cop about our run and finding the car. How we heard nothing last night. Not that we would have. My apartment is clear across the building from the parking lot. Something that has always driven Isla and I insane.
