Page 8 of Player Problems

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When I come back out, Baylor is sitting on my bed, fully clothed and putting his shoes on. Well that makes for one lessawkward conversation. I smile as I climb into bed. “Avoid the walk of shame. Good call.”

He shakes his head at me. “More like a strut of success. I made you come twice.” He taps his chin. “Next time I think I’ll go for three.”

I fluff my pillows behind my head, getting comfortable. “Next time, huh?”

He’s already nodding. “Oh yeah, sweetheart. Next time. That was too good not to repeat.”

Fair enough. I climb under the covers, my eyes already growing heavy as he gets to his feet.

“All the hookups, none of the horrors,” I mumble as my eyes start to close.

He kisses my head. “Don’t get up, I’ll walk myself out.”

I flip him off as he chuckles.

He hums and I pop one eye open to find him leaning against my door frame. I recognize that growly sound. His fingers dance over the wood, waiting until he knows he has my attention. “I think I’ll fuck you from behind next time.”

With that, he walks out.



There’s an extra pep in my step–or I guess slide in my skate–as I easily glide across the ice at practice. The season hasn’t started yet, but that doesn’t mean Coach takes it easy on us. The very word isn’t a part of his vocabulary. He’s got one setting and one setting only and it’s set to championships.

We made it to the Frozen Four last year, only to lose in the final minutes of the game. It was a disappointment like none of us had ever felt before. One I refuse to repeat this season.

Coach claps his hand down over my shoulder as I pass him to get off the ice. “You looked good out there today, kid. Whatever you’re doing, keep it up.”

I smirk. Keep it up. I don’t think that’ll be a problem at all. But I don’t let him see the dirty places my mind has wandered. “Yes, Coach.”

I shouldn’t feel as good as I do after all the tequila last night, but it was balanced by something I never knew I needed. Torryn fucking Gray. Her sweet cries and delicious body. The way she let me lead and squirmed under my touch, only to snatch the control right back from me.

Fuck, I never thought I’d like being under a woman so much. She made me want to be a good boy for her. I’m man enough to admit, I want her again. In every way she will take me.

James nudges my shoulder as we stand next to each other in the locker room and I start stripping off my pads and gear. “Torryn Gray, huh?”

I roll my eyes. I may not hide my exploits, but I’m also not one to share details about them in the locker room. “That already making its way through the grapevine?” I really shouldn’t be surprised.

He snorts, tugging his shirt over his head. “Of course it has. She’s never hooked up with a hockey player before. A lot of the guys saw her as unattainable since she’s never looked at any of us twice.” There’s a gleam in his eye I don’t know that I like. It’s one I recognize. James is one of the guys not scared of getting into a relationship, but he doesn’t need to be in one to get his dick wet. He’d be the type of guy who would take whatever Torryn would give him, but could actually be the one to make her change her mind on dating.

I narrow my eyes on him. I can’t claim the girl, don’t even want to, but I sure as fuck am not done with her. He can charm someone else. Anyone else.

“Was she as good as the rumors say?” he asks, oblivious to the glare I’m pinning him with. A growl builds in my chest. She was better than the rumors say, but no way am I saying that aloud.

Thankfully, Wells breaks up our conversation before I have to respond. “She’s Isla’s best friend and roommate.” There’s a note of censure in his tone.

“Isla Hart?” James asks.

Wells nods, but James just looks more confused. I smirk. He hasn’t been hanging out with us as much the last couple ofweeks, hasn’t seen our best friend slowly but surely falling for one Isla Hart.

“She’s hot,” one of the freshmen, Jayden, pipes up. I hold back my laugh as Wells turns sharply toward him, a thunderous expression on his face.

“She’s my girlfriend, so shut the fuck up.”

Jayden turns white as he nods quickly, tucking his tail and running to the showers.

The laugh I tried to hold back spills free as I shake my head. “Finally made it official, huh?”
