Page 9 of Player Problems

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James’ eyes widen as his eyes dart back and forth between the two of us. “Check out for a couple weeks and I miss everything,” he complains.

Wells rolls his eyes, but has a sheepish smile. “She’s in my psych class. We were partners for a paper and hit it off.” His hand runs through his hair. “But yeah, I asked her last night.” A small smile plays on his lips and James and I trade incredulous looks. I’ve never seen Wells like this.

I clap my hand down on his shoulder. “Happy for you, man.”

He nods his thanks, but is quick to turn his glare back on as he points to James and then me. “This means Torryn Gray is off limits. To both of you. To everyone in our group. Her and Isla are a package deal. You guys can’t fuck that up.”

I snort. Wells clearly hasn’t gotten to know Tor yet. James is already nodding his agreement, though he looks slightly disappointed. Him being too nice works for me though. This is one time I won’t push for him to stand his ground. “You know she would kill you if she knew about this, right?”

Wells doesn’t laugh the way I expect him to. “I know she has a reputation, but the girl has been through some shit. You had your fun last night, now leave her be. If things go south, it makes it weird for everyone.”

“Things aren’t going to go south. And Torryn is a big girl. She can fight her own battles. Decide whose dick she wants to ride.”

My answer doesn’t appease Wells, but at least it doesn’t piss him off. He has to see he is overstepping his bounds here. He’s not suddenly in charge of Torryn just because Isla is his girlfriend.

“What does that mean, B?” he asks, eyeing me speculatively. “You’re going to sleep with her again? Break your ban and date her?”

Leave it to my childhood best friend to be dramatic as fuck. “I’m not dating her and it’s not a ban. I just don’t see the point in limiting yourself to one person at our age. We’re young. We’re hot. We’re hockey players. What’s wrong with enjoying the perks that come with it?”

James taps Wells on the shoulder in solidarity before heading to the showers. It’s a conversation we’ve all had before. We view relationships and love differently. That’s cool. I won’t judge them for wanting to be wifed up. But that’s just not me.

Wells sighs. “You know nothing is wrong with it. I just don’t want to mess things up with Isla. Her best friend hating my best friend doesn’t exactly spell happily ever after.”

He really hasn’t gotten to know Torryn at all yet. One night with her and I can confidently say no one is breaking that girl’s heart, least of all me. “You don’t have to worry about Torryn. You should be more concerned that she’ll eat the other guys for breakfast and spit them out.” The thought intrigues me. Maybe I should encourage James to shoot his shot. He’s not used to missing the net. Could be good character building for him.

“But not you?” He arches a brow at me.

I give him my best cocky grin. “Of course not. I handled her just fine last night.”

He watches me for a moment. “You’re really going to sleep with her again?”

“Fuck yeah. Next chance I get.”

He scoffs, stripping the last of his gear off. “And then what? A friends-with-bennies situation?”

I shrug, finishing getting naked myself and toss my shit into the hamper with a nod to the dude waiting for us to finish so he can do his job. “It’s nothing. Just two people who like to see each other naked and want to do it again. Neither of us wants a relationship. We haven’t exactly typed out a contract and signed it. It’s just fun. Easy. A good fuck. For both of us.”

Finally, he sighs. “Whatever you say, man. But if it goes bad, I’m kicking your ass.”

I laugh as we head to the showers. “You worry too much. But feel free to warn the other guys. She really will break their hearts.”

I know a lot of things, but the most important thing I know right now, is I’m not close to being done with Torryn fucking Gray.



Something is off.

Growing up in a bar gives you a type of sixth sense for shit like this.

My knuckles wrap around the base of my very favorite possession I own. The black bat Isla decked out in glitter for my birthday after I started working at Tease ‘Em & Please ‘Em when I was sixteen.

Not exactly an ideal job for a young girl and my grandma would probably have a heart attack if she knew where the bulk of the money I was sending her was coming from. But when life gives you lemons, work at a titty bar. It’s not like I’m on the stage stripping and I make way better tips bartending here than I would anywhere else. The black bikini top and short cut offs that show half my ass may have a good deal to do with that, but hey. I have no problem showing off my body. I’ve worked hard for it over the years, I should get to enjoy the perks of it. Especially when it comes in the form of cash.

My fingers twitch with the feel of the bat under them. Nothing has happened, but there’s a rising tension that shouldn’t be here. Tease is normally an overall chill place towork, but there are rare nights where the crowd gets too rowdy. Where a patron will get handsy with one of the girls.

Being behind the bar saves me from the majority of the uninvited touches, but that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be on the floor.
