Page 1 of Nico

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The evening before meeting Romeo at the club

“Drag that body to the car, and place it in the trunk.” I glanced around and everyone stood gawking at me with hands in their pockets, gaping mouths wide as if I just killed the dude. Well, I guessed you could say I did sort of, but that was not a reason to have them staring at me like I was an animal in the zoo. I just gave them an order. I saw my bodyguard trembling. He should be used to this shit. How many times had he seen me shoot or stab a man. I bet he couldn’t remember, so why was he so closed-mouthed and acting like a pussy now?

“What the fuck is wrong with everyone? Haven’t you see a dead body?”

“Do you know who you just murdered and cut his head off?” Dante questioned me as if I were a ten-year-old kid who had just put my cat in the dryer, which if I could remember, I sort of did, and he was the snitch who told our mother. Father would have said well done, because his take was that if something wasn’t of use then you should get rid of it.

“Do you remember what happened when you killed your favorite cat?” It was as if he’d been reading my mind. I guessed I looked the same way, guilty, and said the same thing when my mother asked me why I did it. “I had to clean up his shit, that’s why.”

It was my cat, and I begged my mother for that cat. So what? He never took a dump in his litter box or outside in the yard. He loved my bed for some reason, and he’d bring in dead mice into my room, and he and I knew he hadn’t killed it. It’s what cats do. Kill mice, I thought, but this one didn’t like me for obvious reasons, and he was hellbent on pissing me off, so when I got the chance, I got rid of him.

One day that hellish cat dared to antagonize me by taking a dump in my room and I closed the door and cornered him. That wasn’t the best idea I’d had that day, but for some reason the cat knew he was going to die that day, and all I could say was to never corner a desperate animal. At the end of that foray, it was me who was fighting for my life, but everyone felt sorry for the cat, and my parents punished me the entire summer even after I showed them the scars and scratches. Dante said to this day, “Poor cat.” Poor cat my ass. If it was up to that cat, I’d be the one in that dryer instead of him.

I heard Dante say something in the background of my thoughts and I responded.

“What? I remember Mom beat the shit out of me, because you snitched, but this isn’t the same thing.”

“I’d say it isn’t. You just killed your best friend’s brother a made-man. And for what? For calling you a cocksucker. As if it wasn’t true.”

I raised an eyebrow to warn Dante to back off. He didn’t know the whole story. Just like he didn’t know the story behind the cat. That I was being stalked in my bedroom at night and woke up with the cat poised over me scratching my face going for my eyes.

Even if Dante was my brother, he couldn’t go around disrespecting me in front of my men.

“That’s different. It’s one thing to be called that by people I like, and another to be called it by someone I detest. And I detested that little shit, Angelo.”

Everyone knew I had a short fuse with men and in bed. It wasn’t a secret, but knowing it and hearing it from that little shit Angelo was one thing. And if I heard any more of this from Dante, I’d think about having my men take Dante’s crew on an excursion to Las Vegas, and there would be eight more holes in the desert near the Grand Canyon.

“Only because you made a pass at him, and he told you to go fuck yourself. We have to worry about when or how Alonzo may have all of us killed when we least expect it. He’s the type who would wait years and then decide to act. Unlike you, Nico, who acts for no apparent reason but someone said something you didn’t like. Didn’t you know that would happen. Angelo is straight and he has a wife, children and women.”

“I wasn’t serious. I just wanted to know if he was into men.” I raised a thick dark eyebrow and glared at his men. There’s more to the story than you know, Dante. Don’t be so serious and over-emotional. Try to lighten up. Haven’t you heard that song by the Eagles, ‘Take it Easy.’ You need to take it easy, Dante. The life you save may be your own.”

“Was that a threat?” Dante questioned. No. I didn’t know what I’d do without my brother. However, I wanted to shut him up and get this crime scene cleaned up. Too much talking and not enough action.

If I was trying to shut Dante up, it was working. “The hell you weren’t. So now you know. And it will cost this family lots to find that out. Was it worth it?”

“Do I have to stand here all day and wait for the police, or Alonzo to happen by and see you and Chad tossing that bleeding body in the trunk of the car, and that reminds me, make sure you take it out to the dump and burn it. I’ve lost so many Caddies to shit like this.” I touched my black Caddie limo. “This is costly and he could have kept his mouth shut, but no, he had to call me that. I like to suck a good cock, but I don’t want that little shit calling me on it.”

“He didn’t know you’re gay, Nico. He was just making a joke.”

“Well, he should learn to keep his jokes to himself. Now put that head in a sack and don’t forget this.” I handed Dante a small sack.

“What the fuck is that?” and Dante carelessly handed it off to my bodyguard who dropped it.

“What are you going to do with that? You know that is really sick.”

“I’m going to bring it home and put it in the fridge and when I’m finished with it—I see the way the men are glaring at me. But there’s a lesson here, and if they’re smart, including Dante, they will watch their tongues around me. Things have gotten too loose around here. My men are saying things behind my back, another crew is trying to muscle in on my casino gaming, and people are whispering behind my back about my sex life. They don’t dare tell me themselves, because they know they will come up missing.”

“It’s done,” Dante said with a surly closed tight lip. “What else the fuck do you want us to do?”

“I need you to go to the bar, and Chad’s staying with me. I have a job for him to do.”

“You know Chad loves you, and he will do anything for you. It’s not right to use him for jobs like these. He’s not used to this kind of life.”

“If he wants to be with me, he has to take the bitter with the sweet, and this is some of the bitter part. The sweet part is that he’s never lived this well in his life, and I protect him.”
