Page 2 of Nico

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“He needs protection from you.” Dante stood near the trunk of the limo and helped with the body that belonged to Angelo, who was now missing a head and a few parts he’d dared question me on.

After Dante closed the trunk and I turned to get into Chad’s sport’s car, I leaned over and said, “Get the fuck out of here, Dante, and get some of your boys to help you clean up before you open the club. I’ll see you around there in the time it takes for me to get a little of Chad’s sweet ass. After something like this, my dick gets hard, and if I were you, I’d take a little tension off by fucking, or whatever you do with MaryAnn. What do you do with her anyway? With a name like Mary there can’t be too much going on. Does she suck your cock?”

“I’m not going to invite you into my bedroom with a mind like yours, Nico—”

“I wouldn’t if I were you, because as uptight as you are, there’s nothing exciting going on anyway.”

“You know, Nico, you need to see a shrink.”

“Well, maybe, but what I have to tell them, you’d be burying and burning bodies until Christmas. Not a good idea.”

I grabbed Chad’s hand and we strolled to his car and climbed in. Turning to him as he clenched the wheel. “I need some serious shit tonight. Not any of that plain old falling in bed and having me stick my cock in your hole and you just lie there. I want the works. There’s a few things I have to get off my chest.”

“Whatever you need, Nico. Do I get to use the leather strap and restraints? That’s after you’ve had your way with me, of course.”

“Maybe. I haven’t decided yet, but I know I need everything and I’ll know when it’s enough. I’ve got some serious thinking to do, and I can’t do it without a little encouragement from you my boy.”

Chad was my beautiful blond surfer boy whom I met in California on vacation at my beach house. I think I was attracted to him because he was the opposite of me. He was young and trusting, long blond hair, blue eyes, and had the perfect ass and cock. And he said he loved me.

“I love you, Nico, and I’ll do anything to make you happy. Just ask me.”

“I know you love me, Chad, but now isn’t the time to talk about love. I need to fuck you hard and without boundaries.”

“Whatever you want, Nico.”

He waited for his kiss as he lowered his head. I planted a soft one on his forehead. I knew with that one token kiss he would do anything I asked of him without question.

Chapter 1


I’d landed in New York in the evening as the seasons were changing and the weather went from hot to cold overnight. I took out my coat and draped it over my shoulders, and gladly hopped into a cab which brought me to my hotel. What I didn’t know was that not all hotels were created equal. The outside didn’t look any different from the other buildings, all washed and sidewalks clean, but when I opened the door, I knew I wasn’t prepared for this place.

The couches were old, and the men sitting around watching the small, outdated television appeared to be younger than my grandfather when he was alive. I strolled up to the desk and announced that I had reserved a room. The clerk glared up at me as if I’d disturbed him from his ritual of scratching his balls. He peered at me reached for a key, and handed it over, then said, “Use the stairs.”

“Don’t you have an elevator?”

He glared with a steely drunken glance.

“What did you expect, a five-star hotel? You have to go downtown for that, and even they won’t have what you think you want. I get young men like you coming here all the time and you are in for a rude awakening. This is New York, not Houston, Texas, or one of those cheap hotels with high-class accommodation. If you’re looking for that, you’re in the wrong city.”

By that time, I was tired and I’d gotten annoyed, and didn’t want to hear any lectures. I took the key and paid the week’s rent, and didn’t expect to stay any longer than I had to. I had credit cards and money I thought would last. It might have lasted in another city at another time, but this was not that time. Everything had gone up from food to gas and I wasn’t prepared at all.

I dressed in my closet of a bedroom and hurried out to see the city. First stop to go to the local bar that catered to gay men. I hadn’t had a sexual encounter for a year, and I needed something if just a smile to let me know that I could attract men. After the brutal discussion I’d had with my father and he told me I had nothing to offer a man, I stopped dating cold until I decided what I wanted to do, and that was to find a job where I could be around men I thought were prosperous and good looking.

“Are there any clubs around?”

The desk clerk glanced up at me and raised his eyebrow.

“If you’re interested in meeting women, which looking at you in those tight black jeans, I’d say you leaned to the side where you are interested in men.”

How the fuck did he know?

It was as if he read my mind. “I’ve been around, and I’ve lived in New York long enough and I’m old enough to recognize these things in a man. Besides, I was an actor once, and some of my best friends were gay. I fell in love with a gay man too. Does that surprise you?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “Best time of my life. Now that I look back, the best sex I’ve ever had, but the affair ended as quickly as it began—”

I didn’t want to spend all night listening to a man in the twilight of his life tell me about his life, although I was sure I could learn a few things, but tonight wasn’t that time. I had a life that was suffering from lack of love, interest and sex, so I stopped him in mid-sentence.

“Can you tell me where the club or bar is located where I can meet men who have money. Those are the ones I’m interested in meeting.”
