Page 11 of Nico

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I pushed my ass into his face and jerked my cock as he jerked his, and once again in a matter of minutes Dante and I was having another orgasm together.

If Nico came home and discovered Dante didn’t follow his instructions to get rid of me, then maybe this was both our last meals. He sucked and licked inside my open hole. He bit both my ass cheeks, making moaning and groaning sounds that had me harder than before and working on my third orgasm, with plans to bring Dante with me.

Breathless, Dante sat back, and it was as if I heard his heart hammering in his chest, but I thought it was mine, because I heard his feet hit the wood floor. “Clean up and get dressed. I have to decide what I have to do with you.”

“I don’t have any clothes.”

“There are some in the closet.”

“Where are you going?” I asked as he stepped into his slacks.

“Downstairs. I have to get my head straight.” I was hoping he couldn’t clear his mind too soon, and I’d left a lasting impression on him. I’d been hoping he’d cuddle with me, but I guessed I was asking for too much with a man like him. I was lucky he didn’t put me in a choke hold while he was getting an orgasm.

I’d say overall things were looking up, and not as bleak as I’d predicted.

Chapter 8


When I spoke to Nico it was after he’d walked out of the room with Romeo lying comfortably in bed. Something about that picture of Romeo pissed me off. It was then after our conversation that he said to “Take care of Romeo.” I knew what he meant, and I could believe it if he’d fucked him. That was what he did, but I didn’t know he hadn’t even attempted to sleep with him.

This conversation had been long coming, and it was time to inform him of what needed to happen with Romeo and Chad.

Nico had done enough to this family with his reckless sexual behavior and ruthless antics. He’d made a pass at Angelo, and because of that, all hell was breaking loose on the Bonetti family. If I were to have any chance of becoming the boss after Nico retired to wherever the fuck he was going with Chad, I’d have to cover up this before Angelo’s brother Alonzo got wind that something had happened to him. You didn’t just disappear without a reason, and since there were no wars going on between our family and the other families, there wasn’t any reason for Angelo to disappear into thin air.

If Nico completely fucked this up with that boy in his room, and Chad decided to turn on him, I would have to do more than an intervention and making sure Chad’s head was in the right place. I had to convince Chad that he was number one and not to worry about Nico. He was just oversexed. No that was not a good excuse.

After dealing with more shit than I wanted to, I made it back and strode into the kitchen to see Chad sitting alone on a bar stool.

“Where is everyone?” he questioned, looking in my direction.

“Nico ordered some food from the chef, and let everyone go for the night.”

“Do you mean that there’s no one here to protect him? Where are all the bodyguards?”

“Gone home.”

“And his driver?”

“Nico let him go too. He’ll be back tomorrow.”

“So, you’re telling me it’s just you, me, and him. Do you know if that boy is still here?”

“He’s up there with Nico...” I watched Chad’s forehead wrinkle, but he remained silent. He didn’t curse or rush out to claim what he considered to be his. “And how do you feel about that, Chad?”

“I want what Nico wants. I love him, and anything that he wants I’ll go along with.” I didn’t ask why Chad had a blind obedience to Nico, because he’d told me earlier.

He loved him.

Men in love were the strangest of creatures. I wished I’d felt that emotion, and there was no telling what I would do for that person. As long as I was hiding who I was because I didn’t know that myself, I couldn’t see or feel what Chad was going through.

“People are talking, Dante.” Chad glanced up with his head lowered and his blue eyes were striking. He had this boyish face and saucer-blue eyes. I wondered what Nico was thinking when he chose to sleep with one boy after another, then he declared to me, he was in love with Chad, but couldn’t be devoted to him. He said something about it was his nature to desire someone new. I couldn’t understand his thinking, because as much as I didn’t have the right feelings for Mary Ann, I couldn’t cheat on her unless I had fallen in love, and then I’d have to tell her. As I stared at Chad, taken in by his large sad eyes, I heard my name.

“Dante.” Dante, as long as everyone knew Nico and I were together and planning to be with each other, the men in the crew didn’t mind. They took me as one of them. I helped them bury bodies, collect, and I proved my worth. They respected me, but I heard them talking last week, and they were planning something.

“I think they’re planning on going with Alonzo’s family, and if Nico loses them, all that’s left is me and you. He can’t be the head of a family if he doesn’t have a family. Then there’s the case of Alonzo’s missing brother. I think they’ll tell Alonzo what happened, and they’ll come for us. You have to stop this, Dante.” He was holding on to my hand, and I pulled it from his strong grip. However, I experienced his desperation in those few seconds.

“I’ll do something now. I want you to pack and be ready to drive you and Nico to the airport. When you get there, buy tickets to Mexico, and then to Los Angeles. I’ll tell you what to do next. Just leave your car at the airport. Abandon it if you have to.”
