Page 4 of Nico

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He raised a black silky eyebrow, and with a closed smile turned to Dante and shook his head, then headed out the door, leaving me standing wondering what that was all about.

“Basta. You know you are a fool,” Dante spat out those words that had me thinking I was indeed a little fool as my father had said many times before. But who could tell me anything at my age? I thought I knew everything.

When I surveyed myself and found nothing lacking that I knew of, I strode over to Dante and gave him the once over, a wink, and a confident grin. “I’ll be a fool for you anytime.” I didn’t realize that had come from my mouth until Dante narrowed his glance and curled his lips in a threatening manner.

“Come on, fool, my brother will use you up and that will be the end of it.”

“What about you? I don’t mind if you use me up.”

Dante stopped and glared at me, then said, “You don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t know anything about us do you, and as I said you’re a fool for marching into this place. There’s no use in warning you because the dye is cast, and there’s no turning back.”

“What do you mean. I can walk out of here and you’ll never see me again. Right?”

“Wrong. The minute you brought your cute ass in here, and my brother who is the head of this family had eyes for you, you were his.” At the time I didn’t catch on when he said family. I thought Nico was the eldest in Dante’s family. Not the head of a crime family.

Not knowing anything about a crime family except what I saw in the movies, besides I was looking for an adventure. “That can’t be bad can it?”

“You’ll learn, Romeo.” And he pushed me forward, and a large burly type stared me down.

Turning back to Dante, I said, “Can’t I tell him that I’m not interested in him or a job?”

“I wouldn’t try that if I were you. You’re headed for his home to please him, didn’t you hear him?”

“But I just wanted a job, and besides I like you.” I offered my best smile, the kind I knew would attract a man like him who appeared to be opened to a gay relationship, even if he wasn’t gay.

“That’s your misfortune on many fronts. First of all, get it into that simple little head I’m not gay, and my brother who is gay will never let you go until he’s finished with you.”

I dismissed his words because I didn’t think these things happened. Only in the movies, I thought. It’s not like I’m six years old and think cartoons are real where dogs and cats talk.

“I know you like me. I saw it in your eyes. We connected—”

“The only thing we connected to was me trying to tell you to get the fuck out of this place. Now it’s too late.” He waved his hand, and two men grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around, then marched me to the back of the bar, and someone opened the door. There was a large black Cadillac limo parked with the lights on and a driver waiting.

Spinning around once more and meeting Dante’s eyes, I said, “I’m not going until you hear me out.” Two men were now holding on to each shoulder, pushing me forward and closer to the door while I dug my heels in unwilling to move, but with no success.

For some reason Dante slanted his head, and said, “What now? Don’t you know it’s over for you? Nico wants you, and what he wants he gets.” We stared at each other for more than a few moments and I felt him. I felt what he was trying to hide from me.

I leaned in, and whispered in his ear, “I know you want me. Don’t let your brother have me. I’m yours. From this day I will belong only to you. Don’t let him touch me. I’m a virgin,” I lied.

“I don’t like virgins,” he said with a twist of his mouth. “And what gives you the impression I would compromise myself to be with you? I’m next in line as the boss of this organization, and I can’t be with a man if that’s what you think. I’m not gay. I like women. Virgins I wouldn’t touch in any sex,” Dante barked. But I knew what I felt. And I felt him, and I knew he was the love of my life, and given the chance I would be his.

“Get into that car before I have my men drag you out of here and before I make you sorry I ever laid eyes on you.” Dante glared at his men, and sneered at me, “Get the little bitch out of here.”

I stepped out into the alley, with Dante marching behind his men as they had a firm hand on my shoulder, and placed me into the limo with one hand cupping my head, as if I was a criminal going for a ride. I leaned out the window, looked into Dante’s sexy brown eyes, and said, “I’ll be your bitch anytime.”

He narrowed his gaze.

When I sat back in the car with two dudes on both sides of me, I knew things would change for me, but I didn’t know how much, and how fast it would happen.

Before we pulled off, Dante spoke to the driver and then he stepped back and threw me a hard look with a raised eyebrow, and I thought I was headed to a place where they disposed of bodies. I felt a chill roll over my spine, and I turned to see Dante standing in the moonlight dressed in an elegant dark-blue suit, crisp blue shirt and Italian tie, a face to die for, and I knew I was in love. What Dante didn’t know now, he would be mine, and I would be his because I wasn’t as dumb as he thought. Or was I?

Time was on my side and I would make the best of it, and if it took getting close to Nico Bonetti, then I would. I would do whatever was necessary to make Dante know that he was hiding a secret from the world, but not me, because I knew his secret. It was in those sexy brown eyes. The way he looked at me and tried to dissuade me from getting involved with his brother, Nico. He telegraphed his feelings.

Who would have taken the time to tell me not to be bothered with his brother if he wasn’t interested in me himself, or he wasn’t the kind of man he pretended to be. That was my dilemma. I knew and I didn’t know. I knew how I felt, but I wasn’t sure about Dante because, after all, he was a part of this mafia family too. I wondered what bodies he’d hidden in his closet besides the one obvious to me—he was gay and few knew but me or his girlfriend.

Chapter 3

