Page 5 of Nico

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The driver stretched out the drive for someone’s reason, but not his own. I heard him sigh, and noticed that I had passed several of the homes in this community of mansions a third time. As the limo crawled the tree-lined streets and up the concrete driveway, I lowered my window to catch a better view and inhale the fresh air. I hadn’t done that in months, especially since I’d unceremoniously moved to Manhattan.

The window eased down and the limo came to a stop under a portico or covered porch to keep visitors from becoming wet as they stepped into the house. Some of my pretentious friends had homes like this when I was a boy, and had moved into a less than fancy neighborhood when my father changed jobs and my mother and I followed.

However, this place was far fancier than I had thought about. In other words, I never would have imagined that I would even set foot in such a place. It appeared to be a modern castle sitting back on a hill with a stream and water fountain sitting to the left of the home. It resembled the Trevi Fountain in Rome, and I didn’t doubt that this one was built for a reason with all the naked male statues adorning it.

I heard the car doors open, but it didn’t register because I was in awe of this enormous home, and who could afford something like this, and then it came back to me, when I heard a low menacing voice, “Get out.” Looking up as the brute of a man flexing his muscles when he held the door for me. “Are you going to get your little ass out? Who do you think you are anyway?” When I didn’t move, he clicked his finger and I focused. “Get your ass out. You want to keep the Boss waiting, well, I don’t. And if you don’t get out this minute it’s going to be bad for the both of us.”

I glared at him, then decided it was in my interests not to antagonize the brute where I could find my ass buried in a landfill, because this was a new type of lifestyle I hadn’t fully embraced yet.

With the arrogance of a young man whose stock seem to be soaring, I said as I stepped out, “Maybe it will be your ass, but I’m pretty sure my ass has nothing to worry about.” He glared at me and I raised my nose, and said, “I’m the one sitting in the back of this car. Not you.”

“If you think that will be for long, then you’re a stupid fuck, and you deserve what Mr. Bonetti will do to you if you’re not careful.”

“We’ll see about that.” As I made my way up the steps, the door opened and another dude more menacing than the driver greeted me in with a sly closed-mouth smile.

“You’re Romeo,” he said as he licked his lips and extended his hand. “Mr. Bonetti has been waiting on you.”

That’s a good sign, I thought. Let him wait. The anticipation is good, I thought someone once said, but I didn’t know what he meant at the time and in what context.

When I moved further inside the castle, standing at the top of the stairs was the handsome man who had selected me to be his companion, or so I thought. He wore a silk robe with dark silk pajamas, and from where I stood he was everything I thought he would be, minus the reputation of killing men and burying them if he had a disagreement with them.

Everything I’d heard about a mob boss was from the movies, and I thought this man was too handsome and with a smile to make my knees buckle, so he couldn’t be what people were implying. I thought at that moment that his brother Dante was being too hard on him, and Dante was the scary one, even though I’d prefer he’d fuck me instead of Nico. I guessed you couldn’t have everything, and I was a man who liked to make the best of a bad situation. And how bad could it be, other than he was a tad older than what I wanted? However, looking at him at a distance, I could adjust my expectations.

“Come up, Romeo. I have something to show you. Oh, where are my manners? Would you like something to eat?”

“I could use a slice of pizza.” I thought he would offer me something else, because where the fuck could he find a pizza in this neighborhood, or it would take time and I wanted to relax before I had any dealings with him. I wanted to get to know him before I committed to anything. Boy, was I unexperienced?

“Come up and I’ll have my cook prepare one for you. Have you ever been to Italy?”

“No,” I said, as I measured my steps up the stairs with Nico’s hand outstretched and waiting for me. I placed my palm in his open hand when I took the last step to the second floor, and he squeezed it tight as he led me to a large wooden door, then opened it into an enormous bathroom with a sunken tub.

I nervously stepped inside the room. Looking around, I asked, “What are those doors to?” My balls tightened, my voice cracked, but I did my best not to let Nico know I was afraid. But the sweat dripping where he couldn’t see had me chapped, and I did my best to keep from scratching.

Nico gazed at me and offered me a sexy lip curling smile. “My room and yours is to the right.”

“And we share a bath?” I asked, more than curious. I didn’t want to see him whenever I took a piss or—I watched him furrow his brow.

Then he blinked. “Take off your clothes, and climb into the tub,” his voice changed. It sounded as if he was speaking to one of his men. Well, what the fuck, wasn’t I one of them where I could be paid to belong to him?

“I don’t take baths, I prefer a shower,” I said twisting my mouth.

“Do you think I was giving you an option?” Nico questioned with a closed menacing smile. This time his eyes didn’t smile when he spoke or gazed at me. But I wouldn’t let that dissuade me. I wanted to push his boundaries, not to the point where he ordered one of his henchmen to kill and bury me on his estate, and I’d become one of his trophies.

I hear mass murderers like to keep trophies, I thought as I stared Nico down, and slivered my tongue over my lips. I saw him cup his cock. He really wanted this and I was just insane at this point to give him what he desired just so I could be near Dante.

“Well, yeah. That’s what I thought.” I ambled close with shaky legs, hoping to disarm him. I could feel the danger in his voice and my hair stood on my neck, but when I slid closer I could feel the desire he had for me. “I have something you want.” I was taking a chance with those words and my next gesture. I placed my palm over his hard cock.

Nico moved a step back, leaving my hand hanging in the position where I’d just cupped his penis. “That’s debatable, and I’m not in the mood to debate you. My cock needs something. I could get it from you or from another boy. And that reminds me I’ve been neglecting my favorite for something that’s new and unproven.”

As he spoke, I didn’t believe him for a minute. He was drooling as he tugged on my tee and slid his large hands under it and pinched my nipples. Of course they responded. I hadn’t had a man touch me in months or maybe a year if I remembered correctly. I’d had a threesome with my roommate and his best friend who claimed to be straight. They left me out of their horny escapades, and I was left sitting in a chair near his bed and watching and tugging on my cock. It appeared that was all that was happening in my life lately, and this was a good chance for me to heat up my life and get some kind of relationship going, even if it was to be a fuck boy to a notorious mafia boss and killer.

Chapter 4


I guessed they needed love too and I was all ready to commit myself to the job, or I wouldn’t be here. Then Nico said the words that made me take him seriously. “Like all things that are useless to me, I can wave my hand and have them disappear. Now, not another word out of your pretty mouth, and while you’re cleaning up, I’ll have a pizza brought up when I’m finished with you.” He slanted his head, his dark eyes bored into me and his lips curled up to the right in a dangerous closed smile.

Oh fuck me. Yeah, that is exactly what he intended to do. Ready or not.
