Page 7 of Nico

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I could see the disappointment in Dante’s eyes when he shot me a stern glance with a disapproving furrowed brow. Never had I seen a man look so sexy with a sneer that had all the marking of, I could kill that guy.

Finally, Dante’s attention focused on Nico and not me. “I can’t discuss it now, and you don’t have time to go back to fucking around with that boy. Besides, Chad is downstairs and waiting for your instructions. He knows you’re up here with someone, and despite you cheating on him every chance you get, he’s loyal to you. Far more loyal than that piece of ass lying there.”

I heard him and he was talking about me. Did he want Nico, who appeared to be a psycho, to fuck me and then dump me somewhere? I didn’t know because I didn’t know these men.

“I just don’t know about the one in your bed. Give me the word, and I can shut him up. You don’t need another dick to worry about.” Now he was telling Nico to get rid of me, and let him do the deed.

Well, there goes my forever love for you, Dante.

“There’s one thing you can do for me, Dante. Do not to tell me what I should and shouldn’t do. I run this family, and until you do, then keep your nose out of my private business.

You tell him, Nico. He’s not the boss and he can’t decide who will get whacked.

“Now you’ve done it. You’re a ball buster and I won’t be able to get it up, so fuck you, Dante, and I wouldn’t let you fuck me if you were the last man on earth,” I murmured.

“I can’t function like this. I’m going to get dressed and I’ll be down soon. Don’t tell Chad that someone’s in my bed—”

“He’s not stupid, Nico.” Nico shut the door in Dante’s face, and strode near the bed gazing down at me. Now his large cock resembled mine. Shriveled and uninterested. I took a deep breath.

“I want you to stay in my room until I return. I’ll have that pizza sent up, and a drink for you to get something in your stomach.” This man never gave up.

It sounded like a good deal to me since I hadn’t been eating regularly, and had a bed that some homeless person had slept in, and I was one step from being bedbug heaven.

“Who’s Chad?”

“That’s another thing, you ask too many questions, if you want to stay healthy around here, you’ll mind your own business, and do what I ask you to do.” Since I was in Nico’s room and not the one he’d assigned to me, he slipped out of his pajama bottoms and top, and holy shit, but that man had a body on him, and least I forgot that dick would put anyone to shame when it was in its perfect state—hard.

“What are you looking at? Haven’t you seen a cock before?”

“Well, not one as—”



Nico began laughing as he stepped into his slacks. “It’s a curse—”

“Being a boss.”

“No. I enjoy that as much as kill... fucking.” Did he mean to say killing someone, and he thought about what he was saying to a stranger? As he was buttoning up his shirt over his well-developed chest, he added, “This is a family curse. All the Bonetti men for generations have an un grosso Cazzo. He held his cock when I tilted my head, and he pronounced it in a different way, hoping I understood. “Grande Cazzo. A large cock, my boy.”

I guess if we have different ways of calling a cock a cock it only stands that the Italians would too.

“Even Dante? I mean, does he have one like that?”

Before Nico answered he turned his head to the side. “Especially Dante. Why do you want to know? Don’t get any ideas, he’s straight,” Nico said as he stepped into his loafers. “I’ve got to go. My men are waiting, and I have important business to take care of.” Nico exited leaving me staring up at the large light fixture, and the refurbished wood paneling in this old mansion that appeared to be new in the inside. Then the door opened and he stuck his head in. “You don’t have my permission to cum. I want you hard, and this time I want you ready to go.”

Well, he’s a spoilsport. Now it’s going to be doubly hard for me to get it up. I just wish he wouldn’t throw around all these threats. It makes it hard to concentrate. I jerked myself to sleep after my food arrived, and still I couldn’t get my dick to cooperate. Maybe it was too much pizza and the thought that Dante wanted me dead, because I posed a threat to Nico with his gay love life, and their business.

No, that can’t be it. I wasn’t the first gay affair Nico had. Chad was his boyfriend and his crew knew that he’d been fucking Chad, and probably many more. What had infuriated Dante? I thought for a long time, and then it came to me. Dante was jealous and he wanted me. He wanted me so much that he’d rather kill me than see me with Nico. That’s hot. Now, that’s love, I thought. But that’s not the kind of love I’m looking for. I sprang from the bed and rushed into the bathroom to retrieve my clothes.

“I have to get the fuck out of this place, but where am I? I can’t go walking around this rural area at night naked. Where the fuck are my clothes?” I mumbled searching around. I didn’t hear anyone come in and get them.

When I didn’t find them, I went in pursuit of Nico’s closet. I opened it and it was a large as one of my small apartments I’d shared with a friend. Reaching for his slacks, I tried them on and I tripped on the hem, Nico was too tall. He had to be over six feet two to my five-feet-ten stature, and I was slim. I looked like a clown in a circus wearing his pants and shoes. I wouldn’t get to the staircase without falling and breaking my neck, if I reached there before someone grabbed me and told Nico that I was trying to leave.

Giving up, I fell back in Nico’s bed and awaited my fate. A fate worse than death, I thought. I think someone said, ‘death is painless.’ I’d always been a positive person, but it took one mistake by accepting an invitation from Nico to have me thinking as if I was going to die at any moment if I didn’t do what he wanted. I was pretty sure he would strangle me if my cock didn’t get hard, and with all this roaming through my mind, I could safely say that these hours might be my last.

I stared at my limp dick, and it was not working or cooperating, because I’d been strangling it and it was dead, like what Nico would do to me soon.
