Page 8 of Nico

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I’m too young to be so morbid as I stare at the crystal lighting fixture wondering whether my family will recognize me. I shouldn’t worry about that, because my body won’t be found for years, and that will save the price of a funeral my cheapskate father may have to put out at the insistence of my mother.

Mothers are like that. They want to cry over their only child if something happens to them early in their lives because of stupidity brought on by hormones. I blame no one but the hormones that surge through my body. That’s it. It was those dreaded hormones that made me want to have sex with the first man who smiled at me.

I finally willed myself to get the fuck up, and get out of this place even if I had to trudge through the snow barefoot. I wasn’t going easy. I reached and snagged a blanket lying on a bench and wrapped it around my body and ran for the door. I quietly opened it to see if there was anyone around to stop me. To my surprise the house was silent.

Now to get down these creaky stairs without anyone hearing me. I thought I could manage that without a problem. As I reached the last step, I decided that the best way was to go out a back door through the kitchen. It was late, and I didn’t smell anyone cooking, and looking in that direction there was a dim light in the kitchen. Now that was the way I should make my escape.

I stood at the kitchen door and took a large breath. I reminded myself to breathe in and breathe out, because I had just managed my escape. One more leg to go, and I would be out of here and running for my life. I hadn’t planned much more except to make it to the back door, and run like hell once I was outside. I should have asked if they had dogs. But I didn’t hear any just like the house was now silent, and not like before with all the movement of men coming and going and eating.

“This is a good plan,” I assured myself once I spotted the kitchen door.

The only problem was, I didn’t take into account that this was a large room with an even bigger storeroom or pantry. As I tiptoed, I heard rummaging around in the pantry. I was sure I could make it to the door, and outrun anyone who came after me, because I was young had long legs, and I used to do long-distance running in high school.

The men I saw guarding Nico and around his estate were stocky, and they looked as if they consumed too much pizza and too much of their mother’s meatballs in Italian sauce, so I was pretty sure I could get away. Now there was another problem as I sneaked my way to the servants’ entrance, dogs, but I would deal with that if I have to.

My hand was on the door, the first door was open, and whoever was in the pantry was still stumbling about and whispering to himself.

Then the old door made a creaking sound, and I heard a strong voice, “Where the fuck are you going?”

Chapter 6


Turning slowly as if I was a thief in the night, with my hands above my head, my blanket fell and there I stood gazing into a pair of sexy brown serious eyes. “I asked you a question. Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

“It’s not what you think.”

“How do you know what I think?” he barked. “If you don’t answer me smartass, I’m going to introduce you to what happens here when we discover someone like you trying to run away.”

“What the fuck do you want me to say? If I tell you the truth, you’ll do something to me. If I lie to you and you discover the truth, you’ll do something. Either way I’m fucked.”

“Try me,” Dante said with a large sub-sandwich wrapped in his hands. I didn’t see that sandwich because all I saw was my cock looking like the sandwich Dante was holding, and he was shoving my dick in his mouth instead of that sandwich.

My hormones were working overtime.

He chewed what was in his mouth, and my eyes followed his luscious full lips with captivating curiosity. What man and woman came together to make that alluring handsome sexy dude? I was mesmerized by how handsome he looked holding a piece of bread. He wore a light-colored shirt with the sleeves rolled up minus cufflinks, and with his chest exposed because of a few buttons left undone, I could see the fine dark hairs covering his chest and arms.

Dante had a tattoo on his chest, but I couldn’t make it out unless I was lying with him naked. And the way his voice sounded and his face scowled, that would never happen.

Dante placed his half-eaten sandwich on the counter, and moved around to where I stood. He looked me up and down, and in my embarrassment I crossed my arms over my taut nipples.

“Why are you hiding yourself? You’re naked, your cock is at full mast and you haven’t answered my question which will determine if I should let you live or die.”

If I had to die, I’d rather be at Dante’s hands and not Nico, therefore, I attempted to answer his question, “I was looking for a midnight snack and I had no clothes. Someone took them.” I glanced at Dante and he held in a laugh. I knew because I saw it in his eyes. For some reason I was attuned to him. Like I told him before, we had a connection. “No that’s not the truth. I was trying to run away.”

“Didn’t I tell you not to accept any offers from my brother.”

That he did. But desperation has its own set of laws. Like now, I thought.

Dante’s face changed and I saw a ruthless light cross his face and settle in his eyes. He reached for my throat with his large hands and pushed me against the wall near the door. “I should take you to the basement and lock you in there until you understand what you’ve gotten yourself into, and how you’ve exposed this family to all kinds of problems. Instead, I’m going to take you to Nico’s room, and lock you up there. You can’t leave this family now. Not because it’s something you did, it’s because of what you know.”

“I don’t know anything.”

“It’s perception. It’s what people think you know that will get you killed. Nico has a habit of fucking boys and confessing to them his bad deeds. He doesn’t believe in confessing to clergy, so he fucks the men, and then confesses and then that’s the last of them.”

“Nico never fucked me and never told me anything.” Dante reached and grabbed the blanket and threw it over at me. “He never even touched me.”

“I don’t believe you. I saw you in his room—”
