Page 19 of Romeo

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“Does that mean we can...?” I didn’t finish my statement. I wanted him to decide if that was what he wanted. Me. I would enjoy and love Dante no matter what he chose.

Chapter 12


When Dante drove up to the mansion and parked under the portico, Nico and two of his henchmen were entering the house. On hearing the car’s engine their hands dropped to their sidearms, while Nico entered the house and closed the door.

Dante parked the car, I took a deep breath, and I couldn’t move. “Are you ready, Rome?”

“No. I mean I think I am. Who can be ready for this?” Just yesterday I was carefree and one wrong move managed to screw up my life. Not meeting Dante as traumatic as it had been so far had been the best time in my life. And hopefully if I survived this I’d look back at this time as the best I’ve ever had, but like I said, I had to survive.

“Just stay close to me, don’t say anything to Nico, and everything will be alright.” Did Dante really believe that? Did he know how unstable Nico was and had always been? Dynamite would be more stable if he could be compared to something non-living.

“Since when is it that simple? We could just drive off and move around until things change. I don’t have anything or anyone to keep me here except you. I want to be with you Dante—”

“And I want you any way I can get you, Rome. I know we can start a new life, and I plan on doing just that, but until I deal with Nico and get an understanding, we’re not safe wherever we go.”

“We could turn him in to the authorities and go into the witness protection programs.”

“You’ve been watching too much television. First off we need money—”

“You said you had some.” I glanced over to Dante.

“Yes, but it’s tied up with Nico and the fortune our father left us. I’m just an underboss and I have a few millions, but it’s going to take more than that now and I’ll lose my Casino holdings and—”

“And I don’t give a fuck, Dante. Your brother is dangerous.”

“I’m dangerous, Rome.” He placed his palm behind my neck, and pulled me close for a kiss.

I pulled back. “Nico’s men can see us.”

“The car is too dark inside for them to see anything. Now calm down and let me take care of this. I know my brother—”

“Yeah, you do, but I know a side of him you don’t and when you said you’re no gentleman it’s different. Not only is he no gentleman, but he also doesn’t even know the meaning of the word. He’s ruthless and given the chance, even if he said it’s okay that I’m with you, he doesn’t mean it.”

“I know, Rome. Trust me when I say I’m just like him, but different.” Dante’s eyes darkened when he glanced my way and his facial features hardened with the tightening of his jaw. Then he looked away. “Let’s go, Rome.” His voice softened when he called me Rome.

On entering the house, we were hungry and Nico must have known it because he had the large table set and ready full of Italian dishes. Dante had driven most of the way to his home, and he was tired and sleepy aside from being sick. I drove through the flat lands of Texas and the great highways it was known for, and then I handed the car off to him and he drove into Jersey and to his home.

Nico was looking up at us standing in the doorway with Dante holding on to my hand, his fingers laced with mine in a strong grip. I didn’t know if he was propping me up, or I was holding him up so he didn’t show his vulnerability, because he wasn’t well, and he didn’t want Nico to see him weak.

“You look like shit. You’ve lost weight. Is it because you’ve gotten a fresh piece of ass and you want to ride it into the sunset?”

Dante didn’t laugh and I certainly wasn’t going to entertain his stupid joke.

“It’s a joke, Dante.”

“Yeah, I know. I need to get some rest and clean up before I eat.”

“Take a shower and I’ll send up something for you. Your favorite calamari in tomato sauce.”

Dante didn’t react because he hadn’t had a taste for anything lately except maybe my chicken soup.

“I’m departing soon for places unknown. I don’t make announcements on where I’m going, and when I’m leaving. I’ve already announced to everyone who matters that you’re in charge. Now go, and Romeo, you can keep me company.”

I closed my eyes for a quick second and my ears started ringing. Please, don’t leave me here with this monster, I telegraphed by way of looks to Dante.

Dante released my hand and offered me an apologetic look, then turned and headed out of the dining room, and when I glanced around he was taking the stairs one unsteady foot at a time. He had to leave me because he wasn’t in any shape to confront Nico or hang around for Nico to gauge how frail he’d become because of the long drive and being ill .
