Page 1 of Forbidden Love

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Six Years Earlier


I hated this hospital. I hated this room. I hated the smell of disinfectant. I hated the harsh lights and the constant beeping of machines. But I hated that my best friend was dying a hell of a lot more.

River shifted in his bed, and I jumped to my feet.

“What do you need?” I asked. My tone sounded desperate–like I was begging him to need something I could give him. I sure couldn’t give him the fucking cure he needed to beat the monstrous disease eating his body.

He reached out for me, and I took his frail hand in mine. His skin was so pale and bruised. His hand was cold. He was always cold.

“I’m right here,” I assured him. The tears that were never far away pooled in my eyes.

I used my free hand to wipe them away.

“I’m not going to make it, Pike.”

We had known that for a few weeks, but it was the first time either of us had voiced it.

A sob broke free, and I collapsed onto the bed with him. He wrapped his too-thin arms around me. I sobbed into his chest. I hated to be this weak when he needed me, but my heart was tearing into pieces. I wasn’t ready for a world without him.Tears ran down his face too. I couldn’t see them, but I could feel them dripping onto my neck.

“I need you to promise me something. I need you to do something for me.”

“Anything,” I choked out.

“Promise me you’ll take care of Dallas. She’s been through so much already and I need to know she’ll always be safe. I know you love her as much as I do. Please take care of her. Don’t let this break her. Don’t let it break you either. You guys have been the best part of this life and I need to know y’all will be okay.”

I wiped my eyes and met his gaze. “I promise, River. I’ll always look out for her.”

Dallas was River’s half-sister. River had gotten custody of her when she was fourteen and he’d spent the last four years trying to erase the physical, emotional, and mental damage their dad and her mom had inflicted on her. She was his whole world.

“Thank you, Pike. That’s the only way I can pass peacefully. I just need to know you’re both going to keep living when I’m not here anymore.”


“Do you have any questions?” I asked Dallas as she sat trembling in front of me.


“Are you sure? You can ask me anything. I know a lot of things are changing and I’m sure you have some questions.”

Her lip trembled, and tears filled her eyes.

“Oh, sweetheart, it’s going to be okay,” I soothed as I snagged some tissues from the box on my coffee table. I was lying to her. I didn’t know if we’d ever be okay again. I didn’t understand how you could hurt so much and still be alive.

She took the tissues and wiped her face. “I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to be sorry, Dallas. This has been really hard. You’re allowed to cry as much as you need. I have been.”

I wasn’t lying that time. We’d been living a nightmare. River had passed away four days ago.

I already missed him. I wasn’t sure how we were supposed to keep going when there was a huge piece of us gone. I didn’t have time to figure it out though. Dallas needed me. I had gone from being a single, thirty-three-year-old bar owner to having an eighteen-year old counting on me.

“I really miss River.”

Her admission broke my heart. “I know, baby, and I’m so sorry I can’t take your hurt away.”
