Page 1 of Siriarna

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I was gifted with the ability to remember every word I read. And I hated that ‘so-called’ gift.

My guide parents, Linus and Stefanie, are constantly bragging about my photographic memory to everyone; usually at one of their elaborate masquerade parties. Like, they are nauseatingly proud. It's embarrassing. Especially the way they parade me around in front of their guests, showing me off as this highly skilled semi god—which I’m anything but. The anonymity of the mask is my saving grace at these parties. It provides a shield, a sequined haven where I can fantasise about being someone else, a person who is in control of their magic. It’s how I manage to endure these events.

But the reality is, I dream about being like all the other semi gods here in the Home Realm,normal. Every night I wish to the Fates that I wake up and my fledgling powers cooperate. But my pleas remain unheard, and my magic remains sketchy.

Am I really the offspring of both god and mortal?

With the festive season ending and the parties finally drawing to a close, I have time to prepare for my relocation to the Progression Realm, and I’m spending every waking hourstudying. Both guide parents chide me for continually having my nose in a book. Even though delivered affectionately, it annoys me. The books provide a sense of peace, not judgement. I know leaving them scattered messily throughout my room is cause for Stefanie’s continual frustration, but I find the volumes comforting.

I am currently absorbing every written magic book available within this realm, and am making quick work of memorising the text. Surely my power will eventually follow my knowledge and settle into the smooth rhythm I see come so easily to every other semi god in the Home Realm.

Linus and Stefanie are still members of the Evolirium Alumni for high achieving students so try as they might, they can never truly understand what it’s like to be magic average, or less than average in my case. They keep insisting I am fortunate to have such a great memory, that it will come in handy when studying chants and putting the spells into practice. I wish I could believe them. Right now, I’m questioning whether I even deserve a place in the Progression Realm.Will I fit in?I am consumed by these doubts, especially as I am leaving tomorrow.

A soft knock on my bedroom door disturbs me from my thoughts. “Can I come in?” Stefanie asks, moving the door ajar.

“Of course,” I say as I force a smile.

“I wanted to have a chat with you before you leave this realm. I know how hard you have been working and how you see your gift as a curse, but honestly, Siriarna, it will come to serve you well. I believe it in my heart.” Stefanie sits next to me on the floor and embraces me in a hug.

“What if my powers never evolve?” I whisper.

She reaches over and brushes the hair from my eyes. “They will. Evolirium is built to harness each semi god’s talent. You’ll see. You need to trust the process. You’ll be so happy there, just like I was.”

That was the last piece of advice Stefanie imparted before the chariot arrived, ready to escort me to Evolirium and to my new life.

Ready or not, here I come.


Upon realm arrival, I am chaperoned directly to the Learning Facility to meet with High Power Omnisensus, the Director of Students and Realm Master. His greeting is warm and friendly. I like him on sight. He ushers me into his office, where another student is already seated in one of the two leather chairs opposite his desk. Running his hands through his unruly salt and pepper shaded hair, he says, “Siriarna, please meet Alexandraya. I have selected her to help you settle in. Is that okay with you Alexandraya?” he asks with such joviality, it’s more a courtesy than a request.

“Of course, Sir,” she replies. But the way she is eyeballing me indicates that is not the case.

“Wonderful. Siriarna, we are very glad to have you here. You two may leave,” he says already distracted by one of the buzzing orbs on his desk.

Leaving the Authority’s office, I turn to Alexandraya, “How long have you been living on Evolirium?”

“I arrived when I was twelve. My guide parents recognised my talent early and knew how crucial getting a start on my magic would be. These four years have been invaluable. Why have you been so delayed? Sixteen is just sad. You’ll never get your skills up to speed before Propensity Selections in two years. You might as well return to the Home Realm now. I really don’t have time to waste on a hopeless case. You’re just too ‘basic’.”

Swallowing the emerging lump in my throat, I reply, “My guide parents wanted to wait until they felt it was the right time.” I try to keep my voice neutral while defending my late realmarrival, but I hear it start to crack and the pitch begin to rise.

She rolls her eyes and huffs, “Whatever.”

“Where to first?” I ask brushing off the previous insult while trying to keep up with her long strides.

“I’m going to the Zen to meet my friends. I don’t care where you go, as long as it’s nowhere near me.” With a flick of her long jet-black hair, she disappears through the Learning Facility’s double entrance doors leaving them swinging in my face.

Rather than follow behind her, I turn and retreat down the seemingly endless hallway. Wandering left at the first junction, I find myself outside the Knowledge Room and breathe a long sigh of relief.

Now this is what I’m talking about.

Entering the enormous space, I am instantly hit with the woody, slightly vanilla scent of thousands of books. I draw in a deep breath, then release it from my lungs, and the tension leaves my body. I am greeted by dozens of rows of shelves lining the walls, circling to the centre of the room in a crescent shape. I can’t help but trail my fingers across the books; there are just so many of them. A small staircase is hidden by bookshelves at the centre of the library. Curiosity sparked I descend, excited to see what lies beneath. A visual haven appears before me and gratitude fills my heart. I immediately flop onto one of the plush couches surrounding the perimeter of the room and grab a pillow to hug. The space is amazing and I’m the only one here.

How can such a treasure be empty?
