Page 11 of Siriarna

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Today, we are taking a field trip into the mountains. The other students have been excitedly discussing this trip for weeks now, but I haven’t really given it a second thought. I’m losing track of time because all my days are passing quickly—classes, extra training, and sleeping; then repeat, day in day out.

Walking through the centre of the Zeneym Arena to the river dock, I spy the yellow training uniforms of the Light Propensityclass working on their skills at the light pillars. My heart lurches at the sight of Roman, but I avert my eyes quickly hoping he doesn’t catch me staring. Head down, I board the vessel that will float down the shallow waters of the river, taking us directly to the base of the mountain.

Normally I love cruising through the realm by boat, gazing at the changing landscapes from the wildflower filled meadows, to the dense treescape of the Ovallium Forest. But during this trip, I glare aimlessly at the scenery, distracted by the prior sight of Roman in the Zen.

The hustle from the other students departing the watercraft jolts me from my thoughts. Slowly I rise, blink my eyes into focus, and join my Propensity on the riverbank.

“Follow me,” Simeon announces.

Our Propensity Leader sets off, expertly negotiating his way up the narrow, winding mountainside track. He makes it look easy, but I struggle to find my footing and slip on the uneven, rocky terrain. Astrid reaches down and helps me regain my footing, and together we persevere to the top. The higher we climb, the cooler the temperature.

By the time we reach the rest of the group at the peak, the climate is freezing. Goosebumps prick my flesh in my short-sleeved purple training uniform. Astrid wraps her arms around her body, Eloise is fidgeting from foot to foot, while Frasier and Mykos are briskly rubbing their flesh to encourage blood flow.

“As you can all feel, it’s cold up here,” Simeon says, his warm breath creating little smoky puffs. “Today’s field trip emulates a possible scenario on the Surface World where you must create heat using your abilities.”

Eloise stammers through chattering teeth, “I can’t remember the chant.”

“Work together. We will not be leaving until you can all create an electrical spark and start a fire. I will be watching from theseboulders.” Simeon announces, pointing to the cluster of rocks behind us. He puts on a warm over jacket, and moves to takes his place.

“I guess we should start.” Eloise squeaks.

“I’ll gather some firewood with Astrid. You guys clear a space while we’re gone,” suggests Mykos taking charge.

He and Astrid take off in a hurry and return a short time later with arms full of sticks and larger branches. They dump the material into the cleared space, and with cold, stiff fingers, arrange each piece into a fire base. Then the group forms a circle around the perimeter in preparation for the chant. I find myself getting wrapped up in the excitement of the simulated Surface World test despite the chilled air.

Eloise is in full panic mode now. She is fidgeting on the spot, kicking up dirt and mumbling away. Mykos, Frasier, and Astrid are staring at the branches, shivering.

“Does anyone remember the spell?” Astrid asks desperately.

“I do,” I reply calmly, and everyone snaps their attention to me, impressed.

“Well, what is it?” Mykos asks abruptly.

I begin to recite the spell from memory. Before I get to the final words, Mykos swoops in finishing my chant and casting his purple finger at the firewood. A small spark ignites the kindling, and a flame catches one of the branches. Frasier, Eloise and Astrid jump in and cast their spells, successfully adding additional flames to the now blazing firewood.

The heat offers an instant reprieve and the team stand around the fire admiring their Propensity handiwork. Mykos is preening, announcing he led the success. My eyes narrow to a squint.

Amongst the celebration, Frasier signals Simeon who is already striding his way over. “Congratulations Electrical Propensity.”

Mykos turns to leave and the rest of the group follow behind on a magic-high from their training success. No one seems aware that I haven’t had a chance to cast my spell. I glance at the firewood wistfully before joining the others. Behind our backs, a resounding crack erupts as the firewood turns into a raging inferno.

“Oh my gods, look what we did,” Astrid cries out.

Simeon reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pouch from the Alchemy Laboratory. He scoops up a handful of dust and scatters it over the blaze, extinguishing the flames. I catch the raised eye in my direction as he joins the group.

Did I do that?

I think about the flames on the way back to the Learning Facility. I know Simeon thinks I had something to do with the mini explosion, but I honestly don’t know how I could have. Surely it was the combination of the four electrical sparks created by my peers?

Upon our return, I notice the Zen is empty and Roman’s Propensity is no longer training. I really wish I could talk to him about what happened today. I toy with the idea of going straight to his hut, but the possibility of bumping into Alexandraya, immediately vetoes that idea.

I resign myself instead to a long hot steamy bath and an early night to try and relax my tangled thoughts.



Rising early the next morning, I head straight to the Knowledge Room. On my way through the hallway, I pass High Power Omnisensus’ office and overhear raised voices. The resonating tone indicates the Authority is speaking to a god. I know I should continue toward my destination, but my curiosity takes hold and I stop, pressing my ear against the door.
