Page 64 of Thin Ice

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“Why, though? What does it matter if we know?” Another man asked.

Lennox spoke from beside me. “We respect our team. We understand that we broke Coach’s rules, and some of you might take an issue with that or the fact that we’re living a different kind of lifestyle. The last thing we want to do is tear the team apart.”

“We want to know if you’re okay playing hockey with us on your team even though we’re all sleeping with the same chick.” Justin laid it out there like a Christmas present already unwrapped. “That’s the truth of it.”

A ripple of confusion swept through the room. The guys looked at each other amid a few murmurs, but then the atmosphere in the room shifted. One by one, they all shrugged. “As long as you keep skating and playing like badasses, we don’t give a fuck.” A brawny man in the back folded his thick arms. “That’s what we’re all here for. Skating and winning. You help us do that.”

It was a simple enough statement, but I felt the words sink in among the four of us. Lennox let out a quiet chuckle first, followed by Justin and then Zachary.

Lennox fist-bumped the guy in the back. “I knew there was a reason we liked this team. Keep it real, man.”

“Always. Do what makes you happy.” He shrugged. “Are you going to make it to practice?”

“You bet.” Lennox’s thumb eased over my knuckles, the tightness of his grip relaxing to a natural hold.

I hadn’t realized I’d lost feeling in my fingers until it came rushing back with pins and needles. My own laughter bubbled up. That was almost too easy. It gave me hope for the press conference, even though I knew that it would be a thousand times harder.

“Where to now?” Zachary asked as we filed out of the locker room and into the hallway.

“Might as well go straight to the conference room. I’d rather be in the hall waiting to go in when the reporters arrive.” I tugged them toward the rink. “Dad had them set up the press box for the recording. We’ll be doing it live. That way there’s no going back and changing what any of us say. The team’s lawyers, and my own personal lawyer, are all there. They’ll monitor the situation and ensure things stay on the up and up.”

“Good. They need to keep an eye on the stations as they release their own versions of the recording. Are you allowing them to ask questions?” Lennox asked.

I shook my head. “No. We have it all scripted what’s allowed and what isn’t. I’ve invited several reporters and sports journalists. I know a few of them, but others only by reputation. I had to allow a few from the seedier magazines, which is why we’re not allowing questions. We go in, we say what we have to say, then we’re done. Anything else has to go through our lawyers.”

The fear returned in full force. I dreaded this part the most. It wasn’t that I was ashamed. I’d gotten burned by some of these reporters once already. I was ready to set the record straight, but I did worry about the full ramifications of our decision.

Lennox had been right to challenge me. He made me take a serious look at our relationship and the long-term effects. Honestly, from what I saw, the good outweighed the bad. Yes, Abigail would have questions. I’d answer those when I thought she was ready and could understand. While Zachary was her biological father, I saw no harm in her growing up with three father figures in her life. Knowing she was cared for and loved was the most important thing to me.

We climbed the steps winding around the rink, coming out on the uppermost level. The rink spread out below us on my right, the white ice gleaming and perfect. It would be torn up after practice, showing every skatemark and gouge from their sticks. I loved seeing it afterward, seeing the whole practice laid out like a puzzle in need of solving. I’d get to sit on the sidelines today and watch them practice without fear. It was liberating. Exhilaration pushed down my fear, and I managed a genuine smile.

“Do we need to go over our statements?” I stopped outside the press box and turned to face them. The clear plexiglass showed no one had entered the press box yet. I heard voices from the other side, in the stairwell. The lawyers must have the reporters rounded up and waiting until time to start. “We’ll letthe reporters go in first, then we’ll walk in. Public affection is fine as long as it’s PG. We’re not going in there to give them any kind of ammunition.”

“I know what I’m saying.” Lennox squeezed my hand one last time, then let go and bent to peck my lips in a quick kiss. “I love you. That’s all anyone needs to know.”

My cheeks heated with the look in his eyes. That look promised he’d have a lot to say later. When we were alone. I hugged him tight, then gave Zachary and Justin a quick kiss as well. “Let’s go boys.”

The door opposite us opened and several reporters piled in. They eyed the space, then spotted the four of us standing outside. Cameras raised until the lawyers barked out orders that all phones and cameras were to be placed in bags and put away. They would each be given a copy of the live recording once it was processed and ready. They reiterated the point that the footage was not to be tampered with in any way, and anyone who went against those rules would be fined and face potential jail time.

I watched in amusement and awe as the reporters slunk to their seats with a few grumbles. They were too curious to leave, even though they knew now they were not getting the story they thought.

“Show time.” Lennox grabbed the door handle and pulled it open. “After you.”

I dipped my head in a nod of thanks and strode to the table set up at the front of the box. Lennox, Justin, and Zachary walked in behind me. I took the seat in the middle, and they joined me without any jostling or jockeying for the position closest to me.

“Thank you all for coming.” I set my hands in my lap and lifted my chin. “You’ve all been invited here today for an exclusive reveal. It’s been spread around that Zachary and I are in a relationship.”

A few whispered murmurs swept through the crowd. “Do you deny it?” A female voice spoke up.

I looked left at Justin, then right at Zachary. Both gave me encouraging smiles. “I’m here today to put those rumors to rest. Yes. I am in a relationship with Zachary. Also with Lennox and Justin.”

The room exploded with a burst of questions and general uproar. I let it all wash over me and kept my mouth shut. The team lawyers stepped forward. “There will be no questions. You are here to witness the press statement and nothing else. If you cannot control yourselves, you may leave.”

That shut them up quick. I gave him a nod of thanks.

Lennox and the others remained calm on either side of me.

The entire room turned to stare when Justin slid his arm across the back of my chair. “There’s no reason for confusion or annoyance. This is a relationship that we all entered willingly. I love Lucy. We all do. Polyamory might be a taboo subject for most of society, but we are not going to let what society callsnormaldictate who we love.”
