Page 14 of Saving Scarlet

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Grady studies me for a moment. My panic surges even higher.

“Declan, Kieran, and Ronan are going with Cali. They are going to a separate location,” Killian says as he hands Grady a box.

My hand flies up to my chest. “What? No. I’m not leaving my sister.”

Irritation flashes on his face. He strides over to me and roughly cups my chin. “You don’t have a choice. It’s safer to be separated. Trust me.”

That causes my own irritation to flare. “Trust you? I don’t trustanyof you, and I’m not leaving without my sister. I’ll go with her.”

Grady ignores us, grabbing things from the room. Killian stares down at me. I can see his patience is thin, but I’m not leaving Cali. No way in hell.

“Little girl, you don’t have a choice in the matter. I’ll let you make your own decisions on a lot of things, but your safety is not one of them. This is your last chance to grab anything you want before we go.”

My rational adult side is screaming at me not to poke the bear. But when have I ever been rational? Or acted like an adult? Uh, never. So, instead of doing as he says, I cross my arms and sit down on the plush carpet with my legs crossed.

“I’m not leaving her.”

Grady chuckles as he carries a box out of the room.

“Jesus Christ. Scarlet Marie, get your ass up now,” Killian growls.

Nope. Not happening. And how does he know my middle name? Duh. Like I should even question that. The guy is probably as much of a stalker as his boss.

“I’m going to count to three, and if you’re not up and moving by the time I get to three, I’m going to throw you over my shoulder and carry you out of here. One.”

I glare at him. “I’d like to see you try.”

Before I realize what’s happening, Killian swoops me up, throwing me right over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes.

I pound on his back. “Let me down, you big ogre!”


Did he? Did he seriously smack my ass? The man is going to die. I’m going to kill him in his sleep. With a pillow. Over his ugly, handsome face.

“Put me down!” I scream. He carries me down the stairs, passing a laughing Grady and Bash on the way.

“We’ll get the rest of her stuff,” Bash calls.

I’m tossed onto a plush leather seat in the back of a big black SUV. As soon as I realize I’m free, I scramble toward the door. Killian grabs my hand. The sound of handcuffs clicking into place makes me look down. Shiny silver metal wraps around one of my wrists. Just as quickly, he snaps the other one onto the grab handle above my head. Then, with a smug look on his face, he flips the child-proof lock into place and closes me into the car.

That asshole!

A few moments have passed with me seething and planning Killian’s demise when Cali walks out of the house, tears rolling down her cheeks. She’s flanked by several men. Killian must tell her where I am because she comes to the back window, which the driver immediately rolls down.

“I want to go with you,” I say.

She nods. “I know. I want to stay together too, but it’s safer to be spread out so no one can track us to one spot. Declan and Killian know what they’re doing.”

Tears well in my eyes. “I’m scared. I…What if something happens and this is the last time we see each other?”

“It won’t. They’ll protect us. Killian won’t let anything happen to you. Wait, are you handcuffed?”

I snort. “I’m going to murder Killian.”

She smiles, even though tears are still falling down her cheeks. “He means well. Maybe don’t give him such a hard time. You’re safe with him. You have to trust that he’ll protect and take care of you.”

Now my sister is taking his side. What happened to family loyalty? How rude.

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