Page 13 of Saving Scarlet

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I burst out laughing. “What? Why? Oh… Ohhhh! You got your ass spanked?”

She scoffs. “Stop laughing. It’s not funny.”

My shoulders shake as I try to get myself under control. “What did you get spanked for?”

“Because when Daddy got me from your room this morning, I was grumpy and might have called him a major pain in the ass. Then when he told me I needed to eat breakfast, I told him he wasn’t the boss of me and to bite me…and I might have said it in front of one of his men.”

Wow. My sister has always had fire in her, but I’ve never seen her quite so sassy. I love it. She’s always been the more responsible and serious one out of the two of us. It says a lot about Declan that she feels so safe to misbehave. A tightness in my chest settles over me. Yearning, maybe?

When I finally stop laughing, I choose a diamond art to do, and we sit together in silence as we place the gems where they need to be.

“Do you like having rules and stuff? And consequences?” I ask.

I’ve been in relationships with Daddy Doms before, but honestly, they weren’t the real deal. There were never any true lines in our dynamics. I think most of them only wanted to be called Daddy while they fucked me. They didn’t want the responsibility of being a true Daddy.

The way my sister’s face glows pretty much answers my question.

“I love it so much. It makes me feel safe and cherished in a way I can’t describe. Like I know no matter how badly I act out, he’s still going to love me. He’ll spank my ass until I’m very sorry, but he’ll still love me unconditionally when it’s over. I never thought I would find this kind of thing. Never thought I was worthy, honestly. But he makes me feel so special. Like I’m the only woman in his world and I don’t always have to be on my best behavior. I mean hell, I was a brat to him in front of his men and it didn’t even faze him. He’s scary as hell when he needs to be but underneath it all, when he's not having to put on his mask for the public, he’s so fun and kind and loving.”

Tears gather in my eyes. With the back of my hands, I swipe them away. I’m so damn happy for her.

“Killian and the rest of the guys are like that too. I can give them all a hard time and they roll with it. For the first time, it feels like I have more family than I could ever hope for. Don’t get me wrong, I feel so lucky to have you as my sister, but we were always kind of lonely together, you know? They don’t ever let me feel lonely. Maybe if you actually give them a chance, you might get to experience that feeling too,” she says softly.

I sniffle and pretend to concentrate on my art, but my eyes are blurry from the tears.

Before I can say anything, Declan, Killian, Bash, and Grady stalk in the room with murderous expressions, and I’m reminded why it’s best to keep my distance.

“There’s a situation and we need to get you both to safe houses,” Declan says.

My eyes bulge. Every hair on the back of my neck stands on end. Cali looks just as scared as I feel as she rises to her feet.

“What’s wrong?” she asks.

“We’ll explain on the way. For now, I need both of you to pack up anything you want to bring with us. I don’t know how long we’ll be there.” Declan brushes a gentle kiss to her forehead.

I start trembling. Killian comes to me, placing his hand on the back of my neck in a way that makes me feel safe.

“It’s going to be okay. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. I need you to do what Declan said and go pack. We might be hiding out for a couple of weeks so bring anything and everything you want. Someone will carry it all down.”

Without a word, Cali grabs my hand, and we rush upstairs. My mind is racing, and it feels like my heart is going to beat right out of my chest.

“It’s going to be okay,” she whispers, though I can hear the shakiness in her voice.

She leaves me at my bedroom door. When I step into the guest suite, I look around in shock, unable to move. This can’t be happening. Does this have to do with Ivan? Am I in danger again?

Killian walks in, looking confident and deadly. A shiver works its way up my spine.

“Baby, come on. We need to hurry. What do you want to bring?” he asks.

Grady hovers behind him. “What do you want me to take down?”

When I don’t move, Killian takes over and starts grabbing my clothes from the closet and throwing them in boxes.

“W-where are we going to go?” I finally ask.

“To a safe house, lass. You’ll be protected there. Killian, me, and Bash are going with you,” Grady says.

That causes my attention to snap to him. “What about Declan and t-the other guys?”
