Page 2 of Saving Scarlet

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“You’re safe, baby. I got you.”

He murmurs those words over and over. My mind must be playing tricks on me again. I’ve been hallucinating for days. Dreaming that someone would come rescue me. Praying for death beforehecame back to hurt me.

Soft strokes on my forehead make me stir. I want to open my eyes so badly but I’m so tired. My limbs feel heavy, and my head is throbbing.

“I got you, Little one. Daddy’s got you.”

A whimper escapes. Suddenly, something is being gently pushed against my lips.

“It’s a syringe of water, baby. Open your mouth for me,” the voice commands.

I can’t obey, even though I want to. I can’t move. Slowly, it’s pushed into my mouth and a trickle of cold fluid drips against my tongue.

“That’s it, baby. Swallow. It’s just water.”

This time, I follow instructions and let the liquid slide down my sore throat. After a few minutes, the syringe is pulled from my mouth, and I lick my lips for the first time in I don’t know how long.

“Good girl, Scarlet. Can you open your eyes, baby?”

It takes several tries before I can pry my lids open but when I do, I’m looking up at the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen in my life. He’s staring down at me, his emerald eyes pained.

Panic surges through me as I realize I’m in a car and there are several other imposing-looking men in here with us. Oh, God. It’s time. Ivan’s men are taking me somewhere to kill me or sell me.

With every ounce of energy I can muster, I start thrashing, but the man holding me is too powerful. He grabs my wrists with one hand and pulls them to his chest.

“Shh. You’re safe, Scarlet. You’re safe. Your sister sent us to save you.”

I freeze, my eyes widening. “C-Cali?”

He nods. “Yes. She’s with my brother right now. We’re on our way to see her. You’re safe. I won’t let anyone else hurt you.”

As I stare up at this man, tears burn my eyes. He seems so big it’s unreal and he’s cradling me in his arms like a baby. The warmth of him soothes me. My sister sent him? Who is he?

“Take some more water.” He holds a large plastic syringe up to my lips.

I open my mouth, and he slowly lets it drip on my tongue. With each swallow, I feel like I can breathe a little easier.

“Good girl. You’re doing so well. We’re almost there, baby.”

His words calm me, and the way he calls me baby makes butterflies flutter in my belly. No one’s ever called me baby like he does. Who is he?

“W-who a-are—” I start to cough, the dryness of my throat cutting off my words.

He brings another syringe to my lips. “Shh. Drink. I’m Killian Lachlan.”

I obey and suck down the cold water, finding comfort in the way he’s taking care of me. I don’t know who Killian Lachlan is or how my sister knows him, but he got me out of that box, and I’ll forever be grateful.

When the car comes to a stop, there’s a flurry of movement, and I’m shifted in Killian’s arms. Someone offers to take me from him. I’m relieved when he lets out a low growl and keeps me held against his hard body.

I’m too tired to take in anything around me. A moment later, he sits with me on his lap, rocking me as he barks orders to other people.

“Get the doctor here. Find some clothes for her. Bring me some warm water and washcloths.”

The man exudes dominance, and it seems everyone jumps to his bidding as soon as he throws out a command. Within seconds, he’s using a warm, wet washcloth to clean my face and hands.

“Motherfucker,” he growls.

I jolt at the sharpness of his tone. He presses his lips together as he closes his eyes for several seconds. When he opens them, the rage is gone and replaced with something softer.

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