Page 22 of Saving Scarlet

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She doesn’t open her eyes for several minutes. She’s probably freaking out inside. She let me in last night, let me cuddle her and take care of her. That took a huge amount of trust on her part, something she wasn’t ready to give me yet.

“I know you’re awake, Little one.”

When her eyes pop open, wide and searching, I chuckle. “Good morning, baby.”

Her gaze meets mine, and I half expect her to freak out and start flailing to get free. What I don’t expect is what comes out of her mouth.

“Your gun is digging into my ass.”

It takes me a moment to process her words before I start laughing. “That’s not my gun.”

Those baby blues are the size of saucers, and she starts wiggling to get free, which only makes thegunsituation worse.

“Baby, stop squirming before you get me off without even trying. Just ignore it. I can control a lot of things, but I can’t control how my body reacts to you. Pretend it isn’t there and let me snuggle you.”

Her mouth drops open as she freezes. “Ignore it? You have a baseball bat between your legs!”

I roll my lips together to keep from laughing again. “I thought you said it was my gun?”

She lets out a gasp and squeezes her eyes shut.

“Are you hoping if you can’t see it, you won’t feel it? I don’t think it works like that, but whatever you wanna try, Little one.”

“Who are you and what did you do with Killian? Because the Killian I know isn’t this funny,” she finally says as she starts giggling.

“You better be laughing at my joke and not at the size of my cock,” I murmur.

She meets my gaze, lifting an eyebrow. “I don’t think anyone would laugh at the size of that thing. It’s more like a run for your life type of situation.”

I laugh again. This is probably the most light-hearted I’ve felt in years. “Why would you run for your life? That’s just plain mean. He has feelings, you know.”

It pleases me when she rolls her eyes. My sassy girl. She can act annoyed, but the corners of her mouth are twitching like she’s dying to grin.

She squirms again. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

“Do you really or are you trying to get away from my gun?”

“I can pee on you if you’d prefer.”

A chuckle rumbles from my chest as I scoot off the bed with her in my arms. “Golden showers aren’t my thing, but I mean, with you it might be fun. So if you want to try it, we can give it a go.”

The way her mouth drops open and her eyes widen is hilarious. She doesn’t know this side of me, and I love seeing her raw reactions.

“You are…so weird,” she grumbles when I put her on her feet.

“Weird good, though, right?”

She sobers and shakes her head, but a smile pulls at her lips. “Are you planning to stand there and watch me pee?”

I lean against the counter and cross my arms over my chest, loving the way her eyes roam over my body. She likes what she sees.

“Do you want me to?” I ask.

Instead of answering me, she starts pushing me out of the bathroom. If I’d wanted to stay in there, I could have, but I let her shove me out, laughing as she slams the door in my face.

“I’ll just be right out here then,” I call.

The groan I hear through the door makes me grin. I’m feeling pretty damn proud of myself right now. My humorous side is something only my closest friends get to see. And now Scarlet too. She needs to learn that I’m not just some hard-ass gangster. I have a soul. Sort of.
