Page 31 of Saving Scarlet

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“Your knuckles are bloody!”

“Baby, I’m fine. Get back into bed before you get cold.”

And before my cock tents my pants because of how delicious she looks in her miniature sleep shorts and tank top with her nipples practically visible.

But I should know my girl isn’t going to listen to me. Instead, she starts fussing over my hands while I stand in front of her with my shirt hanging open. I don’t hate it either. Not one bit.

I hook my index finger under her chin, pinning her with a stern look. “Baby, go get into bed. I’m going to take a quick shower. I’m fine.”

She glares at me. “Let me at least clean your knuckles so they don’t get infected.”

With a sigh, I nod and follow her into the bathroom, staring at her ass the entire time. She pushes me down to sit on the toilet lid. As she gently dabs antiseptic on my skin, her lips push into a cute little pout.

“You were naughty tonight.”

The corners of her mouth twitch. “You always think I’m naughty.”

I widen my legs as I wrap my hands around her hips to pull her between my thighs. “I like you naughty. As long as you know your bottom will pay dearly for it.”

Her nipples bud in front of me, and a tremble rolls through her. Almost like she’s been hit, she quickly takes a step back with a gasp, her eyes avoiding mine.

“I’ll, uh, I’m gonna go get back in bed,” she murmurs before she flees from the bathroom.

Well, shit. That didn’t go as planned.



Holy crap.

What the hell just happened? Did we have a moment? It felt like we did. And it was intense. My entire body is vibrating.

I throw the blankets over myself, hoping they’ll provide the barrier I so badly need between us. That was way too intimate. I hate that I liked every second of it. I liked standing between his legs. And feeling his body heat near mine. His scent. The way he looks at me. I’ll be fantasizing about the past five minutes for the rest of my life.

Then it was like everything rushed back, and I remembered exactly who he is. A ruthless criminal. I might feel safe around him, but he's not safe. There'snothingsafe when it comes to Killian Lachlan. If I'm being totally honest, I know my heart is in danger. I have feelings for him that I don't want. Maybe it's because he saved me. Or it could be because he takes care of me like no man ever has.

When the shower turns on, I let out a deep sigh. He’s naked in there. Naked and dripping. I groan and press my fingers to my eyes. Shit. This is bad.

I have this fantasy about him. Me calling him Daddy. I’ve dreamt about it. Then he comes here with bloody hands, and I realize he could have killed someone tonight. And yeah, he may have been doing that for me, trying to keep me safe. But it still doesn't take away the fact that he could have ended someone’s life.

Every time I try to focus on the TV, I think about him instead. The naughty side he said he likes so much wants to go peek and check out his naked body. I’m not going to, of course. Because I’m a good girl. Not naughty at all. Well, that’s a lie. Which is probably why I find myself standing at the bathroom door.

My hand trembles as I wrap my fingers around the cool brass knob. Am I doing this? He watched me on camera, so it’s only fair that I should get to watch him, right? Sure. That’s the excuse I’m going with.

I push the door open a couple of inches and am immediately greeted with steam. The shower is enclosed by three walls of glass, so I have an unobstructed view of Killian. He’s facing the back wall with one hand resting against it. His ass is round and muscular. My eyes roam his body. He’s fisting his cock. I’m pretty sure I gasp. Thank goodness for the noise of the shower.

Ever so slowly, he moves his fist up his length. Though I was only planning a quick peek at him, I can’t move. I’m entranced as he strokes himself. What would it feel like to wrap my hand around him? Or my lips? There’s no way I could completely take him into my mouth.

Why am I thinking about this?

“Scarlet,” he says, making me practically jump right off the floor. “Get your ass in here and shut the door. You’re letting out all the steam.”

Without hesitating, I do as he says. “How did you know I was here?” I squeak.

He turns to face me, his cock still in his hand. “Take off your clothes and get in.”

Alarm bells go off in my mind, and I quickly shake my head. Getting in with him is a terrible idea. Hot, but terrible.
