Page 52 of Saving Scarlet

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He starts spanking me again, harder this time, and I might have spoken too soon. With each swat, he covers a different spot so my entire bottom all the way down to mid-thigh is hot and stinging.

“Ouchie! Daddy!” I cry out as I swing my hand back to try and cover myself.

Without missing a beat, he captures my wrist and pins it to my lower back. “You’re not done yet, baby. You can safeword if you need to but unless you do, we don’t stop until Daddy decides.”

My eyes start to burn with tears and I’m panting for air as I twist and kick against the pain.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

I try to fight it, but I can’t. Tears stream down my face. I let out a sob from deep in my chest. One after another until I go limp across his lap, letting all my emotions pour out of me. Within seconds, the spanking stops and Killian starts rubbing my bottom.

“That’s my girl. Let it all out. You did so good, Scarlet. So good. Let out all your tears. Daddy’s here.”

I cry harder from his tender words and when he shifts me up to sit, I whimper as my tender skin rubs against the fabric of his slacks. As soon as he wraps his arms around me, I bury my face against his shirt and cry. Not quietly. Nope. My sobs are loud, and I’m pretty sure I’m wiping my snot all over his shirt, but he doesn’t care. Instead, he rubs circles on my back while whispering more sweet things to me.

By the time I’m done crying, I’m exhausted and can hardly move. But I feel so light. All the bad stuff I’ve been beating myself up for is gone, and I feel like the slate has been wiped clean.

“Daddy’s got you. I’m never letting you go, Little one. Never.”

Instead of doubting his words, I believe them. All the way down to my bones. I close my eyes and relax against him and within seconds, I doze off to sleep.

* * *

I’mstartled awake by the sound of yelling. My eyes fly open and panic surges through me.

Rage paints Killian’s expression as he swoops me up into his arms. He runs downstairs, and a dozen Irishmen surround us as he carries me outside.

“What’s going on?” I cry.

“We need to go,” is all he says as he continues running.

I look around frantically as he runs toward a dense, forested area. The loud whooshing sound of a helicopter above is getting louder. The men around us have their guns drawn, some much larger than others. Then I spot Grady. Instead of a gun, he holds a bloody towel against his side. His face is twisted in pain but he’s still moving as quickly as everyone else. I cling to Killian as agony fills my gut. I know without asking that everything just went from bad to worse.

Bash starts shouting out orders as we approach a clearing and as soon as we’re out in the open, a helicopter touches down. Killian rushes for it, practically tossing me into the seat before he climbs in. Grady, Bash, Maxwell, and Patrick follow suit. Killian puts a headset over my ears and then puts on a set of his own.

“You’ve been shot!” I scream at Grady, not realizing how loud it would be in everyone’s ears. They all wince, but I don’t care. I’m too worried about Grady.

He smirks. “Aye. Not the first time, lass. Sit your ass down and relax. I’m fine.”

Killian starts strapping me into a harness, ignoring my cries about Grady being hurt.

Nobody speaks as we take off, but several guys are sending messages on their phones. I watch in horror as Grady pulls the towel away from his side. Even though his suit is black, it’s saturated with blood. My stomach rolls, so I close my eyes. Warm hands touch my face, and I smell Killian’s cologne.

“He’s okay, baby. Just breathe,” he says.

I lean into his chest and cry. This is all my fault. Grady was shot because of me. Everything that’s happening right now all stems from my relationship with Ivan. I’ve put all these men in danger as well as my sister.

“I’m so sorry,” I sob over and over.

Killian wraps me in his arms and holds me so tight I can barely breathe, but it numbs the pain. I have no idea how much time passes, but the next thing I know, my Daddy is unbuckling me and lifting me out of the helicopter.

I don’t know whose house we’re at, but as soon as my feet are on the ground, Cali emerges from the front door, running toward me at full speed. I cry as we throw our arms around each other.

We’re led inside by Killian and Declan. Cali rushes to Grady and starts fussing over him.

“I’m fine, girls. Calm down,” Grady scolds.

We glare at him and, almost in sync, throw our hands on our hips. Killian looks amused while Declan runs a hand over his face.
