Page 57 of Saving Scarlet

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I’m starting to think the danger is over and the men are wanting to stay here for a little while longer as an extra precaution. They’re a wee bit overprotective, and by wee bit, I actually mean they’re ridiculously over the top. My sister and I can hardly make a move without one of them barking out something about being careful. Sheesh. It’s like they think we’re breakable or something. It’s actually pretty cute how much they fuss over us. All of them. I’m starting to think every man in the Irish Mafia is a Daddy.

Killian walks into the room, frowning at his phone. When he looks up at us, his entire expression changes. His shoulders relax and his eyes soften.

“Is something wrong?” I ask.

He leans down to kiss me. “Nothing for you to worry about. What are you two up to? What are you looking at?”

Cali locks her phone quickly so the screen goes black. “Nothing. Just shopping. You know, being girls. Where’s Daddy?”

“He’s in his office. And what were you two shopping for? That didn’t look like a clothing website.”

I roll my lips in and avoid eye contact, because he always seems to know when I’m not being truthful. My sister gets up and leaves the room, and I’m going to kill her later for ditching me.

“Little girl,” he rumbles. “What were you two looking at?”

“Just perusing the internet, Daddy. Why did you look upset when you walked in?”

Change the subject. Deflect, deflect, deflect. Thank goodness he takes the bait.

“I got a message from my friend Hawk. He has some information for me. I need to call him, but I wanted to check in on you. Did you eat lunch?”

Proudly, I hold up the bag of Cheetos. “Yes.”

He narrows his eyes and stares at me in disbelief. “On your feet. Now.”

Uh oh.

I slowly stand and crane my neck to look up at him, giving him the sweetest and most innocent smile I can.

“Come on. Daddy’s going to make you some proper food, and then you’re going to take a nap.”

That sounds like a terrible idea. “I don’t want to take a nap.”

He stops mid-stride and raises an eyebrow. “Really? So you’re telling me after being up nearly all night, you’re not a little sleepy?”

My cheeks heat. We were up most of the night while we fucked on pretty much every surface in our bedroom and bathroom, including the shower and the massive bathtub. I’m surprised I can walk today to be quite honest. Around three in the morning, we took a final bath and Killian poured an obscene amount of salts into the water, which is probably the only reason I’m not totally bedridden right now.

Not that I’m complaining. It was beyond amazing. While we were in the shower, he bent me over and licked me from my clit all the way to my asshole and didn’t stop until I was screaming his name. I never thought I’d enjoy someone licking or playing with my ass, but damn, I think I’m a little obsessed with it. He keeps telling me he’s going to fuck me there one day, and I’m not so sure about that. His cock is a tight fit in my pussy. I can’t imagine taking him back there.

“Okay, maybe I’m a little tired, but naps are stupid.”

He shoots me an exasperated look. “Good thing I’m the boss and not you. Come on. Time for food.”

I roll my eyes and huff, but I don’t argue. My poor bottom is still tender from the spanking I got yesterday for refusing to eat the broccoli he made with dinner. Why should I be forced to eat miniature trees? I mean, that’s just disgusting.

“What are you hungry for?” he asks.

“Do you have time to make one of your special sandwiches? The one with the thin-sliced steak in it?”

He gives me a breathtaking smile. “For you, I have time for anything.”

A few days ago, he gave me a sandwich that had me making sex noises as I ate it. He practically mauled me when I was done because he was so turned on. I have no idea how he makes it or what all is in it, but damn.

“Go sit down and tell me what you and Cali were shopping for while I cook,” he says, pointing toward the stools surrounding the kitchen island.

Crap. The man doesn’t forget anything, I swear.

Patrick walks in, and I silently thank him for his interruption.
