Page 65 of Saving Scarlet

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“We ran into Maxwell. Patrick shot him and took the girls,” Bash shouts as they approach.

“Is Maxwell okay?” Declan asks.

“He’ll be fine. A bullet to the shoulder. We told him to go to the house and call the doc,” Angel says.

“Fuck!” I throw my fist into a tree.

The pain doesn’t register, but blood trickles down my knuckles.

Hawk slaps a hand on my shoulder. “We need to stay calm. Nothing good comes from losing control. We’re going to find the girls and kill that son of a bitch.”

He’s right. But knowing my baby girl is with Patrick makes me see red. The second I find him, he’ll regret the day he was born.

“Let’s go. We need to move before we lose the daylight,” Beau says.

We spread out in a line. With every step, my heart sinks a little more. I should have kept her locked up in a bedroom with access to no one but me. As soon as I get her back in my arms, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. If she wants to see her sister, they can video chat. I’m never letting Scarlet out of my sight again.

“It’s going to be okay,” Declan says.

I barely resist the urge to punch him in the face. “How is it going to be okay? Our girls were fucking kidnapped by a traitor inourown ranks. A traitor who shot one of the men he’s served with for most of his life. How is that okay?”

Declan doesn’t say anything until we come upon another Cheeto. “It’s going to be okay because our girls are tough and smart and stubborn as fuck. They’re more savage than half the men in our ranks. They know how to defend themselves, and Cali has a better shot than most of us. If anyone isn’t going to be okay, it’s Patrick.”

He isn’t wrong.

“How the fuck could we let this happen?” I demand.

“We didn’t let anything happen. That motherfucker went off the rails. We have thousands of men in our ranks and none of them have ever gone against us. There was no way for us to know. We’ve done everything we could to protect them. You know we have. We can’t control everything. So snap the fuck out of it so we can focus on getting our girls back.”

I let out a grunt as we keep moving. The temperature is dropping, and the sun is starting to set. We won’t leave this mountain until we find them but with limited light, everything is more difficult.

After finding twelve Cheetos, the forest is so dense, we have to walk single file, shining flashlights all around us.

“Daddy!” The faint sound of Scarlet’s voice floats through the air.

“Scarlet!” I roar. “Where are you?”

“Over here!” Cali shouts.

We all take off at a dead run.

“Here!” Scarlet yells.

I shine my light toward a cluster of trees. The air rushes from my lungs when I see my girl’s face, smiling back at me like she hadn’t just been kidnapped.

“Where’s Patrick?” Declan calls.

“He’s here,” Cali replies.

“Get away from him. Run,” I shout.

Both girls look confused.

“Why? He needs help. He’s been shot,” Scarlet says as we approach with guns drawn.

“He shot Maxwell. He’s a fucking traitor. Listen, I want you to go with these guys,” I say, motioning toward Hawk and his brothers. “They’ll get you back to the house safely while we deal with Patrick.”

Cali holds up her hands. “Ishot Maxwell. After he shot Patrick. Twice. Patrick tried to protect us. Maxwell said there are more men coming. He said the Russians know where we are and they’re coming to kill us.”
