Page 27 of Doc

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She blushed and nodded, her wide eyes sparkling with an innocence that aroused him even more.

Doc let his touch linger on her cheek before he dropped his hand to his side.He couldn’t help but notice the way her body trembled slightly as if she were still unsure of herself.

“I’m glad,” he said softly, his voice filled with sincerity.“You deserve all the happiness and fun in the world, kitten.”

“Thank you,” she whispered.

He noticed dark circles under her eyes, and the tip of her nose seemed pinker than usual.Had she not been warm enough outside?She was probably still exhausted after everything she’d been through the night before and waking up in the early hours of the morning.

Carlee, Remi, and Ivy had already disappeared in search of their own Daddies, so Doc took Harper’s hand and led her down the hall toward his suite.

“Where are we going?”she asked hesitantly.

“I’m putting you down for a nap.”

“A nap?”

He nudged her inside and shut the door behind them.“Yes, baby doll.A nap.You’re tired.What kind of Daddy would I be if I didn’t make you rest?”

She turned and swept her eyes up to his.“You’d still be a good one.”

His heart squeezed in his chest.He hoped she meant that.

“Thank you, kitten.But you’re still taking a nap.You look pale.Are you feeling okay?”

When he reached out and pressed the back of his hand to her forehead, he could tell she was warmer than she should be.

“I’m fine.I am tired, though,” she mumbled.

“You’re warm.I’m going to get some supplies.Go potty.Wash your hands when you’re done,” he said as he pointed her toward the bathroom.

When he left her to do her business, he stepped out of his suite, stopped at the community closet they had stocked full of supplies for Littles, and found a brand new baby bottle.After that, he went into his exam room and grabbed a thermometer and some medicine to help with a fever.Even though he’d taken care of many sick or injured men and Littles, his heart still thudded heavily in his chest at the thought of his own Little girl being ill.

Harper was standing near the bed when he returned.She seemed as though she’d gotten paler in the few minutes he’d been gone.

“Kitten, can Daddy get you ready for your nap?”

She thought about it for a beat before she nodded.“‘Kay.”

He moved to her and cupped her chin.“While I’m getting you changed, I’m going to take your temperature.”

“Okay,” she said.

“Do you know how Little girls get their temperatures taken, Harper?”

Her eyes suddenly went wide, just as he’d expected.This was all new to her.

“Remi said you take their temperature in their bottoms,” she whispered.

“That’s right.It’s the best way to get an accurate reading.Will you trust me to take your temperature, baby?”

He waited patiently for her to decide if she could trust him enough for that.When she let out a deep sigh and nodded, he kissed her forehead.

“Good girl.I’ll never betray your trust, Harper.If at any time, you need me to stop, you can say red, and Daddy will stop.You won’t be in trouble, and I won’t be mad if you say that word.It’s called a safeword, and it’s something I take very seriously.Understand?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

She trembled before him, but he went to work, tugging her shirt over her head, then dropped to his knees to remove her shoes and socks.After that, he pulled her leggings down, leaving her in a pair of cotton panties and a thin bra.When he rose and leaned in to remove it, she shuddered and rested her hands on his chest.He was so proud of her for letting him take care of her in such an intimate way.As he pulled the material away from her breasts, he tried not to focus on her budded nipples.He had to remind himself that his girl was tired and possibly sick.
