Page 11 of Monster's Obsession

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That hadn’t actually occurred to me.

“If that is the case, rest assured, we will handle it. That is one of the reasons you are here. To learn how to manage your inner monster. Our goal is to send you out into the world as a happier, healthier, secure version of yourself. We have a 99 percent success rate.”

“Wait, 99 percent? You mean, there’ve been students who haven’t graduated?”

If they didn’t graduate, what the heck happened to them?

Mrs. Caldwell pushed the door open without answering me.

Her office looked like any school administrator’s inner sanctum: lots of framed diplomas and awards hanging on the wall, a filing cabinet off to one side, a giant desk parked in the middle of the room with somebody sitting behind it, pilfering through the drawers.

“Selina!” Mrs. Caldwell yelped. “What are you doingnow?”

Selina didn’t even jump or act guilty or surprised that she’d been caught digging in the administrator’s desk. She simply closed the drawer and stood.

She was probably six foot and model-thin, with a curtain of crazy long black hair. I couldn’t see where it ended because the desk blocked my view.

She wore what I assumed was the school uniform, based on the fact that Asmoday also had been wearing something similar. White, button-down shirt, burgundy blazer, pleated black skirt. The length definitely broke the fingertips-rule. Hopefully, that was due to her height.

“Oh, hello, Mrs. Caldwell. I didn’t expect you back so soon,” Selina practically purred.

“Clearly,” Mrs. Caldwell snapped before tossing a bit of magic at the other girl. Her skirt immediately lengthened, and I admit, I blew out a sigh of relief. Not because she didn’t have legs to carry off that look but becauseIdidn’t.

Selina pouted, and I tried to determine what she was. A witch, I suspected, mostly because it wasn’t obvious. Every supernatural had some sort of magical imprint. Most, you could tell by looking at them; nearly all demons, for example, had wings. Elves and fae had those pointy ears. Orcs had green skin. That sort of thing. My blue hair and eyes were from my mermaid heritage, while the glowing aspect of my eyes were totally demon.

Witches, by contrast, appeared entirely human. You either had to touch them or catch them casting a spell to confirm their nature. Since I wasn’t keen on touching people, I wasn’t about to walk over there and shake her hand just to confirm my suspicion.

“Did you find what you were looking for?” Mrs. Caldwell asked Selina in an icy tone.


“Good. Get out. I need to register our newest student.”

Selina finally gave me her full focus, narrowing her eyes as they swept over my person. “You allowed a demon into the school? Really?”

Guess I knew where I stood with Selina. Good to get it out in the open right up front.

“Idid no such thing,” Mrs. Caldwell said primly. “As you are fully aware, the headmistress makes those decisions. And she has a strict belief that all supernaturals, regardless of heritage, deserve a place at Blackthorn Academy.”

“Not demons,” Selina said.

“Mermaids are allowed, however.”

Selina sniffed.

“Not to mention, one of our current students is part demon, which you are also fully aware of.”

Selina arched a single brow. I’d always wanted to do that but had never been able to accomplish it, despite spending hours in front of a mirror trying.

Although Mrs. Caldwell had told her to leave, Selina didn’t. All she did was move out of the way when the administrator walked around behind the desk and flapped her hands before dropping into the chair Selina had been sitting in.

Selina blatantly looked over the other woman’s shoulder as she flipped open a gigantic, leather-bound book and dragged her finger down one of the pages, pursing her lips.

“I suppose it is kismet that you’re here, Selina,” Mrs. Caldwell said. “Looks like there’s only one available room for Daruka.”

“No,” Selina snapped.

“Yes,” Mrs. Caldwell calmly replied. “Daruka, I’d like you to meet your new roommate.”
