Page 12 of Monster's Obsession

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Selina scowled.

So did I.


I almost gave up waiting,but finally, finally, Daruka came stomping up the stairs toward the third floor. Well, she’d be on her way to the sixth, but she had to pass this one first, right? I’d planned to invite her down to my room, let things fall into place casually if you know what I mean.

Except Selina the Bad Witch was slinking up the steps in front of her and generally, I tried my damndest to stay out of Selina’s way.

We’d had a little fling last summer—nothing special, just two supes blowing off steam together. Or so that’s how I saw it. I guess I should have checked with her first, made sure we were on the same page.

I didn’t, which would have been fine, actually, because the chances of us ever running into each other again were pretty slim—or so I thought.

I certainly hadn’t expected her to show up last fall, a freshman here at Blackthorn Academy.


I made a move to step into the shadows so hopefully they’d pass me by without notice, but Selina glanced up and spotted me.

“Asmoday,” she said with this weird, fake as hell Southern accent. She’d been born and raised in the UK.

Daruka was breathing heavily, her breasts lifting and falling under that black hoodie, and I could picture her doing exactly that while she was on her back and I was balanced on my elbows, thrusting deeply, over and over.

She made a gagging noise.

For a scant moment, I thought she was expressing her displeasure at my fantasy, which was crazy because she couldn’t see what was inside my head.

And then I realized she was responding to Selina’s greeting.

I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

“Hello, ladies. What brings you this way?”

Selina simpered.

Daruka rolled her eyes. “You’re the one who pointed out to me that I’d have to climb these steps six levels every time I need to go back and forth to my room.”

Right. This was exactly the reason I was hovering here, waiting toaccidentallybump into her.

I was usually much smoother than this. Something about Daruka made me into a bumbling idiot. It probably wasn’t that bad, but it felt like it to me. I was a king of seduction. I was a literal lust demon.

Selina trotted over and stroked my arm. Her skirt was inching up her thighs.

“Careful,” Daruka warned. “It’s going to end up over your head if you keep going.”

Selina threw her a sour look. I took the opportunity to edge out of reach. I should have taken off for my room, but I was too curious for my own good.

“What are you two doing together?” I asked.

“Definitely not together,” Daruka piped up.

“Caldwell saddled me with a roommate,” Selina said.

She was the only freshman I was aware of who hadn’t been assigned a roommate. She’d made it clear on numerous occasions that I was more than welcome to join her in her roommate-less room anytime.

I’d not taken her up on her offer, but I had asked Mrs. Caldwell a few questions, including, “Why the hell was this woman all over me when there was supposed to be a spell to keep this from happening?”

Yeah, that was the first time in my life I’d gone out of my way to get a woman off my jock.
