Page 21 of Monster's Obsession

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“I happened by the Boar’s Nest Inn yesterday morning, and the proprietor complained that a couple of my students had used his mirror without permission. I thought figuring out which students might take a tad longer than this.”

Son of a bitch, did I really just out myself?

“Hey, Daruka, you ready yet?”

Closing my eyes for a brief moment in an utterly vain attempt to collect myself, I turned to face Asmoday.

He stood next to me, looking as sexy as ever in his perfectly fitted school uniform, his eyes flashing, his ears twitching. He had a backpack swung over one shoulder and a small paper sack in his hand.

“What am I supposed to be ready for?” I asked icily.

“Class, duh,” he said with a wink for Professor Dunlop. “I told you I’d show you how to get to your first period. Come on, you don’t want to be late.”

He may very well have offered this and I simply forgot. But as we both bid Professor Dunlop goodbye, I suspected he was—yet again—saving my ass.

Damn it. Not sure which I hated more: being the center of attention or being beholden to someone.

As we climbed the main staircase to the second level, Asmoday offered me the paper bag. “What is it?” I asked suspiciously, even as the delicious scent of eggs and ham wafted up to my nose.

“Breakfast. Just don’t tell anyone where you got it from or this privilege will be revoked.”

“Is that a threat?”

“Nah. It just sounded good.”

I pulled a bagel breakfast sandwich out of the bag and nearly wept with happiness as I took the first bite.

“Fire and brimstone, don’t moan like that, Daruka. I can hardly handle not ravishing you when you’re being prickly.”

I inhaled. With a half-eaten bite of sandwich in my mouth. And immediately began to choke.

Asmoday abruptly wrapped his hand around my throat, and holy shit, was he about to finish the job I’d inadvertently started myself? Did he work for my dad after all?

But then I felt magic flowing from his hand into my neck, clearing my airwaves so I could breathe again.

Damn it!

Being beholden to an elf was not a good thing. At some point, he was going to demand repayment, and I knew exactly what he was going to—

“Get your mind out of the gutter, Daruka. I’m not going to demand you sleep with me as payment for saving your ass back there. Or right now. It’s not worth it if that’s the only way I can get you naked.”

Great. Now I felt a combination of regret and relief. Why had I come to this stupid academy again?

“What’s your first class, anyway?” he asked.

“Camouflage for Beginners.”

He arched his brows. “Really? You’re half demon and, I’m guessing, have been living in the human world for your entire life.”

I snorted. “Exactly. Easy A.”

“I suppose you signed up for Secrets of Demon Summoning too.”

A laugh burbled up, which was weird, because I didn’t laugh very often.

I kind of liked it, but that was something to analyze at another time. “I tried, but Professor Dunlop was on to me by that point.”

And I laughed again.
