Page 27 of Monster's Obsession

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“Hang on,” he said, tugging out of my grip. “Something’s wrong.”

“I told you, she’s a mermaid. She can literally breathe underwater. She—”

Krishna’s body began to vibrate. His nose elongated. Long whiskers sprouted to go along with the heavy dark scruff already there. His ears grew into fur-covered points. His back rounded, forcing him to drop to all fours, then his blazer split at the seams, revealing more thick, dark fur. A tail sprouted from his ass, and he shook, sending fur and the remnants of his tattered clothes flying.

With a warning bark, he dove into the drink.

Oh, come on.

Was I about to have to save a mermaid and a damn werewolf?


Asmoday slept with Selina.So what? What did I even care?

I didn’t.

So why was I so damn bothered by that knowledge?

I didn’t actually want to know the answer to that question.

What I wanted was to get the hell out of this place. Not forever—not ready to deal with dear old Dad yet—but temporarily.

The moat wasn’t a hot tub, but it was water, and that was exactly what I needed to calm my annoyingly overwrought nerves.

Already feeling better, I leaped into the air, twisting twice, straightening my arms as I prepared to break the surface. I opened my eyes and spotted Asmoday and Krishna standing on the bridge, watching me. Well, Asmoday was watching; his hands were covering Krishna’s eyes.

Shit, shit, shit. In my mermaid form, my boobs were exposed for all the world to see, specifically Asmoday, whose lust I could feel even way down here in the moat.

I had no idea how deep this moat was, but I was about to find out. Surely, going all the way to the bottom would separate me from the embarrassment I now felt over being so exposed to him like that.

Damn, it was deeper than I expected. It felt like I’d been swimming for far too long given this was simply a moat around a castle. It should have been twenty feet at most.

Yeah, it was way deeper than that.

I finally stopped swimming, pausing to tread water and catch my breath. Well, not really my breath, since I was currently breathing underwater. As murky as it was near the surface, I couldn’t even see the end of my fin here.

Maybe I didn’t need to be quite this deep. It was entirely possible there were creatures down here I didn’t want to come face-to-face with. Hell, it was likely. Mrs. Caldwell had insisted I was safe at this castle, and what she meant by that was safe from outsiders. Which meant school officials had taken precautions to ensure outsiders stayed out.

Such as stocking the moat with—

Something wrapped around my fin. I reached down and grabbed it, tugging it away and lifting it closer so I could see it in the dimness.

A tentacle. With a claw on the end.

I threw it away from me and began swimming as fast as I could toward the surface. No wonder this moat was so deep. It had to be to house a kraken.

A kraken! That would definitely help to protect the school.

Also, that seemed like something school officials should warn a girl about. Especially one who was half mermaid. You’d think they’d expect me to want to take a swim on occasion.

But not with a kraken!

I felt the tentacles behind me, waving through the water, reaching for me, but I was managing to keep just out of reach. Finally, light began filtering into the water, and kraken hated sunlight. Just a little bit farther and I’d be safe. I’d have to flop onto shore and wait for my scales to dry before I could shift back into human form, which sucked. I was about to give Asmoday an eyeful of big girl knockers, but that was the lesser of two evils at the moment.

I broke the surface, barely noted that Asmoday and Krishna appeared to be walking back toward the entrance, then I turned toward the bank. I’d hardly managed two strokes before something wrapped around my fin again and jerked me under.

This time, the thing’s hold was a lot more secure, and it clung to me as it sank toward the bottom, towing me along with it. Doubling over, my poor, underutilized abs screaming at me, I grabbed the tentacle and tried to loosen it while mentally sifting through all the magic I knew, trying to determine what would be most effective against a gigantic octopus with twenty tentacles that had razor sharp claws on the end and four rows of needle-like teeth in its bulbous head.
