Page 36 of Monster's Obsession

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“Oh, well, if that’s all, okay.”

He didn’t veer off to go to class. He followed me. All the way up to Daruka’s door on the sixth floor.

Guess there really would be no seduction any time soon.


I rapped on the door.

No answer.

That’s right; she was sleeping. I lifted my finger to my lip to warn Krishna to be quiet, and then I slipped an old skeleton key out of my pocket that was so steeped in magic, it was warm to the touch all the time.

The moment I stepped through the entry, my body was hit with what felt like a thousand jolts of electricity. My teeth clattered together, my eyes rolled into the back of my head, and my face and the floor became very close and painful acquaintances.

“Oh shit,” I heard someone say from a distance. I was on the ground, face down. The electrical shocks had stopped, but my body was still shaking, which was the only thing it was capable of doing at the moment. I was pretty sure my nose was bleeding, probably from the impact with the wooden floorboards.

I couldn’t even push out a groan.

“Help me roll him over.”

There was more than one pair of hands on me, then I was flipped onto my back and something soft was tucked under my head while something not-quite-as-soft was swiped under my nose. I spared a moment to hope I hadn’t pissed my pants. I’d lost full control of my facilities for a moment there. What the hell happened?

I needed to learn that trick, whatever it was. It might come in useful down the line.

Something was waved under my nose—smelling salts, maybe? I honestly had no clue, but all of a sudden, my eyes shot open and my surroundings came into focus. My fingers and toes were tingling, although I couldn’t yet move them.

Daruka’s face swam into view, and I actually sighed with relief.

“Did you do this to me?” I asked.

“I did,” she confirmed. “How did you get in here anyway?”

“Elves are crafty individuals.”

“There are lots of crafty individuals in this school. And our dorm room doors are magical reinforced by the headmistress herself to keep every single one of them out.”

“I have a key,” I admitted. “It’s probably on the floor over there.”

“You have a key tomyroom?”

“I havethekey. To every room. I borrowed it when I popped into Mrs. Caldwell’s office to look up your schedule.”


“Don’t bother pointing out that I’m a stalker. I prefer the wordobsessed.”

“With me?”

We definitely needed to work on our communication skills if she was this shocked by that revelation.

The feeling was returning to my appendages. “I’d suggest you take advantage of me while I’m unable to fight you off, but I’m pretty sure Krishna is still here.”

I caught Daruka’s wobbly smile before Krishna’s mop of hair and scruffy face moved into my line of vision.

“Right here, mate. How are you feeling?”

“Like I was pumped with too many jolts of electricity.” I groaned as I pushed myself up onto my elbows. “Tell me you’ll teach me how you did that. And also, tell me who your intended victim was.”
