Page 37 of Monster's Obsession

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I knew, of course, but I wanted to hear her say it. Maybe I needed a dose of reassurance that she hadn’t intended to hit me with three thousand jolts of electricity.

Daruka and Krishna each looped an arm under my pits and more or less dragged me over to Daruka’s bed. I lay there on the soft comforter, wishing I were lying here under entirely different circumstances. Ones that involved Daruka and me naked. Preferably with her tits in my mouth or my cock stuffed between them.

Seriously, that was my biggest fantasy.

“Dude,” Krishna said, his gaze darting to my groin.

I glanced down at the bulge in my pants. “Oops.”

“At least we know the important bits still work,” Daruka quipped, which only made my other head swell more.

I shifted up so that I was leaning against the headboard—a headboard I’d love to tie Daruka’s wrists to, using silk ribbons.

Seriously, even for a lust demon, this was out of control. Normally, I could keep the raging libido under wraps until I was ready to let it out. I’d blame the zap I just received, but I knew better.

“Okay, so can we assume your roommate was your intended victim?” I asked while massaging my temple.

Daruka darted a narrow-eyed glance at my sidekick. He threw up his hands. “He seemed concerned,” Krishna sputtered.

“Iamconcerned. You shouldn’t have to worry about sleeping at night. Even in a place like this. Why aren’t you going to the administration?”

Daruka crossed her arms. The action pushed her breasts up and out. I slid my gaze to the side. Now was not the time for my lust-filled fantasies.

“Did you miss her surname?” Daruka asked.

I rolled my eyes. “She’s so distant a cousin that the headmistress didn’t even know she existed until she was enrolled.”

Daruka’s arms fell to her sides. “Really?”

“Yes, really. She, of course, doesn’t tell anyone that, but it is a fact. She does not have the power she lets people believe she has.”

“How do you know this?”

I sighed. “During the previous dressing down, the one before the kitchen incident, I mentioned her bullying, and the headmistress told me.”


Experimentally, I bent my knees. I wasn’t quite ready to walk yet, but I was pretty sure I’d be able to, eventually. Didn’t know how long it would take, though. Maybe I could stay here while Daruka resumed her nap. And if she wanted to take advantage of me when she woke, hey, more power to her.

“There’s still no way I’d ask the administration for help,” Daruka said.

“Why not?”

“Are you kidding me?” Daruka flapped a hand at the middle of the room. “She’s mad because you and I had sex. And everyone knows about it. And frankly, I’m a little disappointed in you for having sex with her first.”

“Well, I met her first, so…”

She narrowed her eyes.

I huffed out a sigh. “Last semester, I came to the island a few weeks early. Got tired of my family pressing me to stay and take on the responsibilities they all think I should take on, even though I don’t want to. Nor do I think I’m even qualified.”

“What responsibilities?”

“Not important to the story.” I didn’t want to get into my elfin expectations right now. Or ever. I had a bad feeling she wouldn’t feel she could fit into that life, and I had no intention of living any life that Daruka wasn’t part of.

“I think they are very important,” she replied.

Ah hell. “When I graduate, I’m supposed to take over as head of the elfin woods.”
