Page 34 of Valiant

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“I’m sorry. I didn’t know. You’ve never talked to me about her. Although you promised you would, now seems like as good of a time as any,” I say. My heart breaks for Carter and what he must have felt like coming home to no one and nothing.

“I did promise you that.” He spends the next hour telling me how he met Melissa in high school and fell in love, proposing right after graduation. He joined the Army to create a better life for them than what their small town could offer, knowing she would never be happy staying there. It wasn’t until they bumped into each other at an event recently that they reconnected—not by his choice. He hadn’t wanted to entertain her request to get together, but if he hadn’t, then she would have stood in front of his truck until he relented. It was the night I lost my first patient, and he wanted to get home to me and make sure I had someone to take care of me.

When he told me that part, I felt warm and gooey inside. The feeling didn’t last long. When I learned that Melissa had thought she was pregnant at one point, I knew it could only mean one thing—they had consummated their love. Thankfully, Melissa wasn’t with child, but she panicked, afraid she would end up just like everyone else in that town.

“Ultimately, Melissa didn’t love me enough to stay and weather the storm with me. She didn’t trust me enough to fulfill my promise and take care of her. She didn’t value me enough to stay long enough to end things face-to-face. She’s one of the reasons I’ve only dated casually, never getting serious with anyone. I haven’t felt like I’m good enough or worthy enough for someone, not when the women I’ve loved have never loved me back.”

“You know that’s not true, right? You are more than worthy, Carter. She wasn’t good enough for you and wasn’t whom God had planned for you to spend the rest of your life with. There’s a woman out there that is meant for you, and you’ll know it when you find her.” Those were the hardest words I’ve ever said, but it doesn’t make them any less true. I just hope I’m the one that’s meant to be with him.

We exit the highway and pull up to a gas station to fill up the car and our bellies. When we’re back on the road, I ask, “You mentioned earlier that Melissa was one of the reasons why you only date casually. Do you mind me asking if there was someone else after her?”

He takes a long time to answer. “No, there’s been no one since. The other woman is my mother, which goes back to the whole ‘feeling unworthy’ thing. But Leanna, that’s a story for another day. I’ll tell it to you, I promise—just not today.”

I reach over, taking his hand in mine and lacing our fingers together. Although he gives me a soft smile, I know he needs a little space right now. Having three brothers, I’m aware that sharing feelings isn’t an easy thing for a guy to do and that our conversation has taken an emotional toll on him. I know it did for me, and all I did was listen to it.

Carter and I spend the next hour in comfortable silence, enjoying the scenery as we drive up the winding mountain road. Halfway to the top, Carter is forced to swerve and hit the brakes as another driver cuts us off. At least we were on a straightaway and not one of the sharp curves. I frown when I recognize the vehicle.

“I think that’s Joe’s Aston Martin.” I squint as if I’m going to be able to see anyone inside from here. I can’t even make out the plates, not that I would know them anyway.

“Are you sure?”

“No. I’ve only been in his car once. He’s not the only one to drive a black Aston Martin in New York, so it could very well be someone else. However, Joe would be traveling on this same road since the resort he’s staying at is only a few miles from where we’ll be.”

“Hmm. I don’t like the idea of you being in a car with someone who drives so recklessly. What if you had been in an accident?” Carter asks, somewhat troubled.

“It’s not like we went for a joyride, Carter. I didn’t have my car because I had walked to work, remember? It was less than a two-mile drive, on surface streets no less.”

Carter asks me to call Sebastian and warn him about the dangerous driving. My oldest brother is the only one who could potentially be ahead of us. We knew that with four cars in our caravan—two of them carrying children—we would be stopping every hour if we didn’t go at our own pace. I do as he asks and dial.

Marybeth answers on the first ring, “Hey, Leanna. What’s up? Everything all right?”

“Everything’s fine. I just wanted to warn you that someone is driving an Aston Martin well above the speed limit and cutting people off.”

“He passed us two minutes ago,” Brody says, sounding distant. He must be riding in the back seat with Ansel.

“Oh, look! There he is on the side of the road. Should we stop and see if he needs any help?” Ah, sweet Marybeth, always willing to lend a helping hand.

“You want to stop and help a guy who could possibly be harassing Leanna? I don’t think so,” Sebastian says adamantly.

“There are three of you and one of him. I don’t think he would try anything. Anyways, what’s the saying, ‘innocent until proven guilty?’ Give him the benefit of the doubt, Bash. You would want someone to help you and give you the same courtesy. You need to do the right thing.” Her tone indicates that if he doesn’t, he’ll be sleeping on the pullout couch tonight.

“We can’t be more than a few minutes behind you. Go ahead and stop to help. Just wait until I get there before exiting the vehicle. If it’s a trap, I don’t want you guys unprotected,” Carter says authoritatively. He sounds so sexy taking charge. I have rarely witnessed this side of him, and certainly not under these circumstances. I like it.

“Do you really think he could be dangerous?” Marybeth asks.

“Are you willing to risk it?” Carter responds. “I see you guys. Hang tight.”

Carter disconnects the call and briefly glances at me to get my attention. “It’s showtime, Leanna. I don’t want you getting out of the car until I give you a signal. If I think it’s safe, it will be important for him to see you with me so he can start drawing his own conclusions about your relationship status.”

“And what’s the signal?”

He thinks about it for a second. “I’ll stretch my arms like I’m working out the kinks from sitting for so long. It’s obvious enough for you to see and believable enough that it won’t seem out of the ordinary.”

“Okay.” I start to nervously nibble on my thumbnail once he gets out of the car. Sebastian, Brody, and Ansel exit their vehicle once they see him approaching. Thankfully, I have a clear view of the driver’s side of Joe’s ride, but my brother’s car is blocking the passenger side.

I can’t hear what’s being said, so I roll down my window, hoping the sound will travel far enough for me to listen. I lean closer to the opening, but I still can’t make out their words. I see a few fist bumps exchanged between Joe and my brothers, then a quick handshake between him and Carter. Joe gestures to whoever is in the car to join him, and I see Carter’s face pale, even from fifty feet away. When I see who it is, there’s no way I’m waiting for Carter to send me some silly signal. He needs me now more than ever.

Carter’s right about one thing. It’s showtime! The woman who is now standing at Joe’s side and about to try to hug my fake boyfriend is none other than Melissa.
