Page 35 of Valiant

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Chapter nineteen


Icasuallystrollupto the man standing outside his sleek sports car, walking around holding his phone in the air so he can try to get a signal. The Arbaroa men are behind me. “What’s the problem?” I ask.

“Oh. Um. We ran out of gas,” the man says, mildly embarrassed.

Sebastian pipes up, “It happens. It’s Joe, right?”

“Yeah. Oh, hey! Leanne said you guys were coming up here for a family ski vacation. What are the odds that we would be on the road at the same time?”

“It’s Leanna,” I say sternly, ignoring his question. He ignores me back.

Joe gives each of the guys a fist bump that they reluctantly reciprocate. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Joe.” He extends his hand for me to shake, which I do out of politeness.

“I’m Carter.” His eyes light up with recognition of my name.

“Oh, man! I need to talk to you! I heard you have some serious connections and might be able to hook me up.”

I’m beginning to think Joe might be high on something other than life. “I’m not sure what you mean, but sure, we can talk sometime. Right now, let’s get you back on the road.”

“Right. I was trying to call for roadside assistance, but I can’t get a signal.”

“I always carry a five-gallon gas can on any trip for this very reason. We can help you out,” Sebastian says.

“Thanks. My friend and I would appreciate the assist. I’ll pay you triple the going rate for gas.” Sebastian waves him off and goes to get the gas can from the trunk of his car.

Well, at least I finally get to meet Joe. Let’s just say I’m not impressed. He seems like the kind of guy who likes fast cars and fast women, so why he’s interested in Leanna is beyond me. I take that back. I understand why. She’s beautiful. She’s sweet. She’s everything a man would want in a woman. At least I do, and it’s why I love her. But she’s not loose, easy, or up for a “good time.”

Joe gestures for the person in the passenger seat to join us. The first thing I see when a woman emerges is blonde hair. It’s not until she turns around that I recognize that it’s Melissa. She gives me a little smirk as she makes her way around the car, coming to stand beside Joe.

“Melissa. What a surprise,” I say, my voice subdued.

“I bet it is,” she says. “It’s a fortunate turn of events, for sure. I haven’t seen you for ten years and now twice in one week. Looks like the universe is trying to tell us something.” She steps in for a hug, but I step back. The sound of a car door slamming echoes through the canyon, garnering everyone’s attention. Leanna strides toward me with focused determination.

“Hey, Baby? What’s going on?” she asks sweetly, her eyes never leaving mine and her lips quirking up. She’s finally stepping up to the plate and claiming me as hers, even if it is just for show.

She slides her arms around me before Melissa even has time to register what’s happening. It doesn’t take long, though, especially when I pull Leanna closer and kiss the top of her head.

“Everyone, this is Melissa. We’ve known each other for years,” I say. Everybody already knows who she is and has seen her picture, but Melissa doesn’t know that. “Melissa, this is Sebastion, Brody, and Ansel. They’re Leanna’s brothers. Of course, you’ve already met my girlfriend, Leanna.”

“I thought you said that you were just friends and roommates,” Melissa says with a hint of derision.

“Things change,” I tell her.

I’m about to tell her the story we had decided on, but Ansel starts speaking before I get the chance. “Theyarefriends. Best friends, in fact. But wouldn’t you agree that long-lasting relationships should have a foundation built on rock, not sand? Lemme tell you, Leanna and Carter’s friendship has been rock-solid from the start. I’m glad they finally realized how perfect they are for one another before it was too late.”

Brody adds his two cents. “Isn’t it great when you realize that the one person you’re meant to be with is the person you trust the most and will be with you through thick and thin without judgment or expectations? These two were destined to be together from the beginning.”

I expect those kinds of comments from Sebastian since he’s the married one in the group. However, I did not expect any romantic sentiments to come from either Brody or Ansel as both seem to enjoy the single life. I wonder if Brody, Ansel, and the rest of the Arbaroa family have always seen Leanna and me like that, and I’ve been too dense to notice. Or are they just pretending to be happy for us as part of the plan?

“I couldn’t agree with you more. I was friends with Carter growing up, so I know him well. I might even know him better than he knows himself,” Melissa tells them as if I’m not standing right here. I feel Leanna’s arm tighten around me.

Sebastian returns with the gas can and hands it to Joe, then asks the question that’s been on the tip of my tongue since Melissa got out of the car.

“You guys look great together. Are you two a couple?”

Melissa shakes her head. “No. I ran into Joe at the coffee shop the other day, and he mentioned he was coming up here. He has a suite with an extra bedroom and asked if I’d like to come. I’m just along for the ride. He has his agenda for this trip, and I have mine.” She gives me a little wink and sashays around the other side of the car. She gets in and slams the door closed, effectively ending the conversation.
