Page 13 of Takeover

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You’re supposed to be saying thank you, remember?

"Somehow, I expect nothing less."

“Also, thank you for the Hearts and Hope donation.I’m not going to fight that one because they need the money.But you shouldn’t have done that.It’s not going to make me any more amenable to a sale.”

His eyes darkened and the right corner of his lips tipped up.“I would expect nothing less.”

I stepped back to allow him in, and this time he managed to hand off the wine.

The way his intense green gaze met mine, I felt stripped.Like he could truly see me deep down, and heat suffused my body.

"About this morning..."my voice trailed.

He lifted an insolent brow."It would be a disappointment if you offered an apology or explanation for it."

I snapped my jaw shut.I wasn't sure what was worse; that he was letting me off without having to explain myself or that he chided me for attempting to apologize.

"Fine.Follow me then."

As his gaze flicked over my body once more, leaving scorch marks wherever it landed, I stopped and lifted my brow, letting him look his fill.When his eyes lifted back up to mine, he smiled at me.Unabashedly.And it was worse than the other night.

This one was a real smile.Not willful.Not sardonic.Not a half-smile.It was a full-on grin, and he was beautiful.Devastatingly beautiful.

Like this man smiling could cause an international incident.If there was a Helen of Troy of dudes, it was him.And like a fool, all I could do was stand there and gawk.

"Are you looking your fill too?"

And that snapped me right out of it."No, of course not.I'm just making sure you're done.Let's get this over with."

I could have sworn I heard him chuckle behind me as I led him into the dining room and introduced him to Clarissa, who was a gracious hostess as always.She had a way of making everyone feel welcome, and it was always odd having her try and make me feel welcome in my own home, especially when I held so many memories of my mother here.

Heading to the bar, I asked Atticus, "What are you drinking?"

"Whatever you're having."

"Oh, I barely drink at these things.Best to have my wits about me with Dad.You should feel free."

He cocked his head ever so slightly as if asking a question he didn't know he needed to formulate yet."Surprise me."

I stood back, assessing him."There's something about you that screams old-fashioned.But I feel like you wouldn't want to be quite so trite.You would want to spin it.Maybe something that's a little more elegant and unique, right?Let me guess, Vieux Carré?"

His eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise, and I shrugged."Let's just say I can read people.I have a lot of experience with my father's business associates and the drinks they order."

"And what does the Vieux Carré say about me?"His voice was like mellow smoke.

I could have been biting and eviscerating, but I chose diplomacy."It says you're discerning.You want to be a little different, yet still traditional.Or you want to be a pain in the ass and have somebody dare to question you.Or maybe you just like Cognac."

And there it was again, a quick smile, sending my stomach into flips.

Get yourself together.He's buying out your company.You will not find this man attractive.This is not what we need today or any day, because we do not lust after toxic men.That's not what we do.We know better.

While I made his drink, Morgan came skipping in."Hey, Clarissa, do you think we—" My sister stopped short."Oh, who do we have here?"

I turned to her and wrapped an arm around her waist as she gave me a smothering kiss on my cheek."Morgan, this is Atticus Price.He's Dad's guest tonight."

My sister groaned, throwing her head back, almost tilting her whole body into a back bend.Morgan was petite.Just barely over five-foot-two.Light brown skin that usually had people asking if she was Dominican.She looked every bit the cheerleader she'd been.Glossy dark hair, silk-pressed to the gods and styled in elegant curls and soft waves down her back.Her makeup was flawless, and she looked like she belonged in some kind of wealthy TV reality show for the cute, young, and adorable.Basically, she was tiny Black Barbie.

She went over and shook Atticus’s hand and gave him a dazzling grin.“Welcome, Mr.Price.I hope my sister has been a charming hostess.”
