Page 14 of Takeover

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He took her hand into his.“I think you and I both know your sister better than that.It's a pleasure to meet you."His voice was low, mellow.And his eyes softened when he looked at her.

I gritted my teeth and continued making his drink.And yes, I may have slammed in an ice cube or two as I made it, but honestly, it's not that I was jealous of Morgan.I wasn't.I loved my sister.She was my favorite person on earth.There were days when just her laughter could brighten everything.She had Mom's laugh.But somehow, seeing Atticus looking at her with doe eyes made me want to hurl his glass across the room.Instead, I turned and handed him his drink.

He raised the glass to me and my spritzer, then took a sip.He closed his eyes and gave a small hum of appreciation.

And yes, I was ashamed to admit it.My pussy clenched.

But again, not my fault.Apparently, I did like toxic men, but because I was a fool, I didn't seem to know better.

"You did something odd to theVieux Carré."

"You'll never know,” I taunted.

He eyed the contents of his glass dubiously."You don't hate me enough to poison me, right?"

I winked."Again, you'll never know until it's too late."

He shrugged."Well, beautiful company and a good drink.There are worse ways to die."

I rolled my eyes and noticed Morgan's gaze skipping between the two of us, and then back to Clarissa, who was also staring at me like I'd grown a third head.Luckily, the doorbell rang again and relieved some of the tension.Morgan ran to get it just as Clarissa started chatting with Atticus about the history of the house.I took a long gulp of my spritzer while silently wishing for something stronger.There was no way I was going to make it through tonight.

Though, when I heard a familiar bickering, I calmed down a little bit.

At least the night wasn't a total wash.Morgan's voice piped up."It's Friday night.Shouldn't you be out with one of your supermodel girlfriends?"

"If you're jealous, Morgan, just say that.You could go out with me, but then, I like my balls attached to me when I wake up in the morning, not in your hands.So that's a no-thank-you for me."

My sister snorted a laugh."You wish I would get close enough to grab your balls."

Clarissa gasped."Children."

Both Morgan and Lance straightened up immediately as they rounded the corner, casting sheepish looks at Clarissa.

I grinned at Lance."Hey, I was just going to text you.Looks like dinner might go long tonight.I think we're eating here."

He gave me a wide grin."No worries.I can adjust plans for my favorite person in the world.I will always give you a rain check.Unless it's Szechuan,because my poor tastebuds can’t handle it."

"Your inability to handle spice is not my fault."

He rolled his eyes and then caught sight of Atticus and suddenly straightened."Oh, you're Atticus Price."

Atticus cocked his head.His gaze slid to me again and then back to Lance."You'll forgive me, please.I'm at a disadvantage.Who are you?"

Lance stepped forward while I turned to make his old-fashioned."I'm Lance.Lance Lakewood."


Lance shrugged with a sigh."Yes.ThoseLakewoods, unfortunately.”

I always found it interesting how he went ahead and acknowledged the Lakewood name but still put distance between them and himself.His father and grandfather were business legends.They were horrified when Lance chose my startup instead of the family business.

The two of them shook hands for what looked like a second too long.But then Lance grinned and Atticus clapped him on the shoulder.That was Lance though.Forever good-natured.Except when it came to my sister.I swear to God, I wished the two people I loved the most in the world would figure out how on earth to get along better.

Morgan purposely bumped into him as she walked by, then the two of them were squabbling again as usual.When I handed Lance his drink, he gave Atticus’s drink a nod.“Old Fashioned too?Great taste, I see."

Atticus’s smile wasn't a real one.I knew immediately.He was assessing him.Like Lance was somehow prey.It didn't escape me that Atticus didn't correct him about his drink either.

Lance tried to make conversation with Atticus, but Atticus wasn't having it."Did Mr.Becker invite you?"
