Page 26 of Takeover

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He gave me his secret smile.The one I noted he only seemed to use with me.“It’s a fitting nickname.”

“How?My name is Gw?—"

"Gwen, is that you?"

I froze, a tingle of ice slipping down my back, coiling itself around my spine, and holding me in place.

Don't be him.Don't be him.Don't be him.

I turned my head slightly to the right, and there he was, Bronson Jacobson, and I forced myself to swallow down the bile that immediately crawled up my throat.Across the table, Atticus frowned at me.And then he did the most interesting thing.He took my hand in his and stroked his thumb over my knuckles.What the fuck?

But I couldn't think, because there Bronson was, staring at me, when all I wanted to do was poke out his eyeballs."Oh, it's you."

"Yeah."He leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek, but Atticus stood, forcing him to stop what he was doing.

"Jacobson.It's been a long time."Atticus didn't let go of my hand, but he shook Bronson's hand with the other one."You caught us on a lunch date."

Bronson's eyes went wide."A lunch date?You two?How the hell did that happen?"

I couldn't answer.I could not respond.If I tried, I knew I was going to throw up everywhere.But Atticus took the reins."We met at a charity benefit.I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.Especially after she glitter bombed me."

“It was an accident.”A warm flush crept up my neck as I realized his teasing had calmed the anxiety enough for me to speak."What do you want, Bronson?"

Bronson slashed a dark gaze to me, and there it was again, the rolling nausea."I saw you and I wanted to say hi.If you weren't such a?—"

Atticus jumped in before he could finish that sentence."Jacobson, if you don't mind, I'd like to finish lunch with my fiancé.

Bronson whipped his eyes to Atticus and back to me, finally noticing Atticus was holding my hand.I could see it then.The hatred was clear from the scowl on his face.I tried to warn Atticus with a shake of my head, but he didn't pay me any heed.

"You're serious?"

Atticus smiled, but it was cold, sending goosebumps up my arms."I am very serious.We were hashing out wedding plans.Do you mind?"

Bronson nodded curtly, shook hands with Atticus again, and said he'd be seeing him soon.And then he was gone.

When Atticus sat down again, he released my hand."So, are you going to tell me what that was about?"

I shook my head."No.I just can't stand him."

"Which I understand, but do you want to tell me why?"

"No, I do not."

He nodded once then turned his attention back to his food.Somehow along the way, ginger aleappeared at my side, and he nodded at me."Drink it slowly.It'll settle your stomach."

I shook my head."Why?"

"You need it.You were looking a little piqued."

As I sipped the ginger ale, he continued."Okay.We have talked a lot about what I need from you and this marriage.Do you have anything you need from me?"

I thought about it for a moment.He'd already signed the deal with my father.What more could I ask for?Then it hit me, and I realized it was time to negotiate.

"Okay, protect Morgan."

His brows knitted."What do you mean?"

"Morgan, my sister, protect her.If I do this, you make sure my father doesn't sell her off to the next highest bidder because he doesn't know how to manage his company and he is once again in a hard spot."
