Page 36 of Takeover

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"Well, since Lance is picking you up, I might as well say hello."

Like I was letting her walk away without being clear to him where she belonged.

"Just like that?"She lifted a brow, watching me warily.

"Is there a problem?"

The sunlight streaming in hit the auburn streaks in her hair, highlighting them like she had spun copper into it."No, no problem."

The elevator door dinged, and Gwen grabbed her handbag.When I rounded the corner, there was Lakewood, handing a to go cup to my fiancée.I scowled at him, but he took no notice as he said, "Holy shit, you've moved in with Jay-Z?"

Gwen laughed."You're ridiculous.Not Jay-Z, just my overbearing fiancé."

"This place is—" He stopped speaking abruptly when he finally noticed me.

"Lakewood," I said through my teeth.

He gave me a nod."Oh, hey man, nice digs."

"I didn't expect you this morning, especially this early."

His smirk told me everything I needed to know.He thought we were in a competition for Gwen.He was going to find out otherwise.

"We have a tradition, Gwen and I,” he said with a grin.“I bring her morning hot chocolate and walk her to work.It doesn't change now that she lives here."

I saw the sweep of his gaze over my shirtless form, and then his gaze over Gwen in her rose-colored silk blouse, a black pencil skirt that tapered just below her knees, and the red-soled Louboutins."Right."I turned my gaze to Gwen."Like I said, lunch.We need to talk.I’ll meet you at noon."I frowned when my gaze reached her finger.“Where is your ring?”

With a pursed lip, she tugged on her necklace to show me her engagement ring.“Right here.I’m clumsy with my hands and it weighs a ton, not to mention it’s too big.”

“You should have said.We’ll have it resized.”

“Fine.I’ve got to go.”

“Lunch today.”

She swallowed."I'll see.I might be really busy."

The fuck she would be.Either she came to me, or I'd go to her."Okay, whatever you need."

Without a glance to Lakewood, I tucked my arm around her waist, pulling her close, and kissed her.I poured every ounce of desire and desperate clawing need into the kiss.I wanted her to remember who she was sleeping next to before I let her walk out the door with Lakewood.

Even as I coaxed her into a response, a thought danced at the edge of my consciousness.I was letting her walk out the door with Lakewood, who had brought her fucking hot chocolate.

Did she not like coffee?If she did, why didn't I know her coffee order?More importantly, why the hell wasn't it in Pierce's dossier?He was usually more thorough than that.Her lips parted in a surprised gasp, and I took advantage, sliding my tongue into her mouth.

There was nothing more satisfying than hearing that little moaning whimper she made at the back of her throat.As the kiss deepened, I tugged her closer, my body pressing against hers.I could feel the heat emanating from her, and it only fueled my desire.I wanted to consume her, to make her forget about Lakewood and everything else in the world.I could feel her body respond to my touch.Her hands made their way into my hair, pulling me close.

Reluctantly, I tore my lips from hers, my heartbeat racing too fast.And I whispered, "I'll see you at lunch, Ness."



He had no idea.

That's all I could think about the entire walk to work with Lance.Atticus had gotten me off this morning and he had no idea.

Did you want him to have an idea?
